Ritona Sell it to me.

EDIT: Winners and special mentions must message me with requests.

As always, thanks for all of the wonderful entries in my last challenge! I didn't get a lot, but I did get some very well made and thoughtful cards. The winners for my previous challenge have been posted and the prize descriptions have been listed as well. If you're a winner, please contact me for your prize request! I have so many backed up requests lol.


I've been pretty lazy these days when it comes to watching anime. I don't watch anything unless I hear great praise for the series. I don't want to waste my time watching something stupid, y'know?

So for my challenge, I'd like for you to create one card containing an image from a series you would like to recommend to a potential viewer(s). Please be sure to write a proper review in your description (and please keep spoilers to a minimum).

Here's the catch... I only want one review per anime/manga series. That means if CleaversForKids already made a card recommending Baccano! that means Hulaberry32 couldn't use that anime anymore, she'd have to find a different series to review and use in her card. So the early bird gets the worm! Get the idea?

You're allowed to use any anime/manga you'd like, whether it's old or new does not matter. Feel free to write your review in any way you feel comfortable (just be sure it's getting your point across).

If you're not sure what your review should look like, take a peek at these ones: ( x )

- If using a quote, please give the source.
- Please cite all resources.
- Use proper grammar.
- Series review is mandatory.
- One card per person.
- One card per series.

First Place - 2 card + 4 icons
Second Place - 1 card + 4 icons
Third Place - 4 icons

Special Mentions - 2 icons
like a family. by Angel Zakuro
Do you like {Palmtop TIGER.}? by Hanaro Souhi
[we are gonna live FOREVER] by CleaversForKids

2 members Favoritefavorite
segunda etapa
Other Anime and Manga
20 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
my.apologies ~bellpickle
Cowboy ~Dark Flame 3479
Diving with our Dying Will! ~Kami-chan.x3
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