TwinkLes Un'altra Lingua!

Hey everyone! I haven't done a challenge in a while, so here's the next one for ya!
First, I just wanted to thank everyone who entered my last challenge, I really enjoyed all of your cards.
Now you're probably wondering what the title of this challenge means. It means "another language" in Italian. The point of this challenge is to make a card with text in a language other than English (or if your first language is a different language, I challenge you to have text in a language other than your native language). Make sense? You can use a quote, or a saying you like, or just something in another language that you think sounds cool. You can even plug the text you want into google translate. Although it'd be awesome if you could write it without that sort of help, I understand the difficulty of communicating in a language other than your first. Anyway, I think this is a great way to share the foreign languages we love with each other! Because languages really are beautiful, and if I could learn them all, I would ^^


1. The image can be from any anime, manga, video game, artbook, etc. as long as it isn't a fan art. Please link back to the scan if possible, I'd really like to see what you did to it!

2. Links for brushes, textures, and fonts are appreciated, but if you don't have the links, don't fuss over it. I'm mainly concerned with the link to the scan.

3. Please tell me what your text means in English! Also, tell me why you picked the language you did, even if you only explain in a sentence or two (although you can write more if you want). I'd love to hear your opinions!

4. No yaoi/yuri.

5. Follow TheO rules. I shouldn't have to say that.

6. Unlimited entries!

7. You don't have to dedicate it to me. Dedicate it to your bestest buddy or someone random :P

Grading will be based on:
*Quality. If you just put a quote in Times New Roman on an unaltered scan, I will be upset *grumpy face*
*Following rules.
*Appeal. Is it eye-catching? Does you color scheme work nicely? Is the text legible? (or at least the text that is supposed to be legible. I know recently some people have small unlegible words with their main text, which is fine as long as it adds to the appeal, which it usually does)


First place: 1 card/wallpaper request, 6 icon requests, gift.
Second place: 1 card/wallpaper request, 2 icon requests, gift.
Third place: 4 icon requests.

Honorable mentions...maybe. Depends on how many people enter and if you guys "wow" me.

**Note that when I say icon requests, it will most likely be one icon per request. I'm sorry, but I'm really busy lately. Also, be patient with me, it may take me a few weeks to complete all the requests.

Questions? PM me or leave a comment!

I will give you a month! If that's too little time, let me know for future reference!

I look forward to your masterpieces!


P.S. I just had to retype all of that because TheO deleted it because in my inivite I typed someone's username wrong. I'm mad >.>

3 members Favoritefavorite
Mikaela Kuchiki heddu Gum Fanatic
Other Anime and Manga
20 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
[Totally]A Liar ~AriesXzeroSeven
Moon Shade ~Ritona
Paintbrush ~Dark Flame 3479
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