kitabug69 Sweetheart:


Well let’s hope this challenge is not a HUGE flop like my last one. I am sure the title tells all. If not. This challenge is for Valentine and for your sweetheart/best friend/someone you admire.

This challenge is sort of like xNotUnderstood’s ‘Dedicated to a Friend’ with a slight twist… lol. What I want you to do is make a Valentine Card and dedicate it to your Sweetheart, Best Friend, or Someone you admire. Now, this person DON’T have to be on TheO. They can be your Mom, your Dad, your Sister or Brother, Cousin, Aunt or Uncle. Boy/Girlfriend. Even Grandma or Grandpa. Just write the dedication out in the artist comment box when you post it and tell us who it is dedicated to. And tell me a little about why you dedicated it to them.


You can make the card with their:

Favorite character/person (game, anime, TV, band, singer)
Favorite song
Favorite color
Favorite quote or a saying they use a lot
Favorite image
Favorite font
Favorite flower
Favorite animal

The sky is the limit. If you want you can even use their username in the card (if their on TheO).


BUT WAIT! It HAS to be Valentine themed and you have to put your heart and soul in to it. Tell them how you feel. If their the bestest of best friends. Yes, I know bestest is not a word, but it works…lol. If you admire them and why. Their art work. They helped you out in one way or another. Their story writing. They influenced you in some way or they were just there for you when you needed them most, and then the sweetheart one. I think that one explains itself. BUT WAIT AGAIN! Within the mist of this, you have to ask them to be your Valentine... *smiles*

There are no rules so to say just the norm.

Follow TheO rules.

Please link as much as possible.

All submissions have to be dedicated (either commented in the artist box or the dedication box).

The card has to be Valentine themed and made for someone special in your life.

You have to ask them to be your Valentine.

Yaoi and Yuri are allowed.

Don’t dedicate it to me (unless it’s made for me).

Enter as many times as you like (but keep it one card per-person. I don’t want to see 6 cards for Grandma. She may be awesome, but I know you have other awesome people in your life).

Have tons of fun…


Prizes are:

A shiny metal for all who enter.

First Place: Any character image you want vectored.

Second Place: A Wallpaper of your choosing.

Third Place: A Card of your choosing.

And a gift for all who enter. (a special thanks from me)


I am sorry to say this is a one month challenge so they will be ready for Valentine Day. Everyone have fun and do your best like I know you all will.

See ya around TheO, my Friends…


P.S. If you have any questions drop me a PM or comment. I will get back to you as soon as I can.

0 members Favoritefavorite
3 entries
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Challenge completed
No Matter What ~Versa Emerge
more than you know ~
Valentines? ~MewChero
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