Angel Zakuro Imogen inspiration.

Hello! Now that my last challenge ended, I feel like giving you another one! ^_^ Congrats to the winners of my Sky's the Limit challenge! <3 EVERYONE did great. I had so many was hard to choose. Anyhoo, now for this new challenge!

Have you heard of Imogen Heap? Frou Frou? Well, she's a wonderful music artist, and I LOVE her songs. <33 Her lyrics are often...interesting to say the least. They tend to be on the cryptic side, but then of course there are romantic ones in there as well. First, I suggest if you haven't heard her music and you want to enter this challenge, you should probably explore on youtube to hear her songs! ^^

But yes, here's the big thing with the challenge: Your card(s) [LIMIT IS 2] must use lyrics from her songs. Either under Imogen Heap or Frou Frou. Of course, you can find the lyrics on other sites, but that's just a place I came across lol. So yeah, the card's image can be from any anime, video game, or what-have-you, but the quote that you put on the card must be lyrics from her songs! :) And as abstract or cryptic the lyrics may be, try your best to fit the card to them! That is, what you THINK the lyrics mean. And if it's a very straight-forward line, then that's cool, too.

Make sure to put the name of the song that the lyrics are from in your description! Thank you~ :)

Yup, so to repeat: the quote must be from Imogen Heap/Frou Frou's lyrics, the limit of submissions is 2, the card can be from any anime etc., it can be in any category (cryptic, friendship, etc.), and make sure to tell me the song you got the lyrics from. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment box!! ^_^ I'm only making this challenge a month-long, so GOOD LUCK! <33 And prizes...are just the medals, unless I feel like putting more effort into prizes later, lol. XD Sorry!

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Other Music
16 entries
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Challenge completed
BIGger ~Ritona
*~ Music,Love and [ C. O. L. O. R. ] ~* ~Hanaro Souhi
Pay Attention.... ~
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