It really has been a few weeks since I've submitted something. This time, I decided not to make a funny one but yet a lovey dovey mushy sentimental one. ~laughs~ ^_^ The .jpg version up top is once again, crappehhh like usual. :X So, the good quality one is heerrrreeeee!!
If you can't read the words up top, this is what it says:
If there was snow falling eternally,
Could it hide my feelings for you?
Lately, I've just been too busy or let's put it in other words. I've been watching too much taiwanese drama. xD I love them soo much! So, I get inspired a little bit every now & then. So please, leave a comment if you have compliments, concerns, or insults [no, no, I prefer not to get that xD *shot*]. Hugs & possibly favorite it if you like it. :D You all, enjoy your Saturday night!` ~ =^_^=