Natsu nii Villains! Baddest of bad!! >:I

my second challenge!! woot!
figured i'd better make one now if i'm going to do art requests over cristmas break..! ^_^ haha

Object: Draw your favoite villain!! XD i don't care who it is so long as they're wearing clothes! =_="
simple enough right..? 9_9" it could be the most evil villain you've ever seen or just one that makes you burst out laughing till your guts feel like they're bleeding! ^_^ ( in my case that be the big butt bandits from rave master! lol) XD ...i'm so imature...! TT_TT""

rules: keep it clean, PG13 and under, no yaoi, yuri, ect.. in short just follow the typical O rules. :3
-Backgrounds are not required, but they'll get you more points.
..Just copied from last challenge.. 9__9
i also have a soft spot for color... 6_6"
Just have fun! and don't burn yourself out. <:3

Note: i will probably recognize the main stream villains more easily, but if i get lost i'll have wiki on my side.

you can enter up to two. (i doubt anyone will enter more than one but you can go ahead and prove me wrong... ^__^" )

All mediums allowed! :D (shouldn't have to say this.. but no art theft!)

will be judged on technique(overall apperance) and deatail....i'm a sucker for it..! >_<(time is kinda irrevelant so long as you know what you're doing, i'd think...) if you use design concept i will give you a pat on the back! ">:D how's that..? ^_^ i being too much of an art nerd...? -A-"

1st: one colored pic of your chioce
2nd: same but i probably won't give you a background
3rd: one pencilwork your pick
(just for my lazyness's sake, those requests will also follow the rules above.) :3

can't wait to see what you all come up with! I'm excited!
bring on the evilness!! >:D
you have a month! ^_^

ps. when this is over: Merry Christmas!! XD (honika/hollidays too..! ^_^")
just have an awsome cake time! (unless you're a pie person haha)

-Natsu :3

Challenge is over! -there were so many good peices! all wonderful! ...but i had to choose winners... <:3
thanks for taking the time out for this!
happy hollidays to all- i will start on my request and taxonomy report! haha
best of wishes to the new year.


4 members Favoritefavorite
oturan ikamuzu ClassRevelation SandLover13
Original Anime and Manga
5 entries
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Challenge completed
I am Grell Sutcliff ~CyberDeathStream
joker and harley ~sweet chick
Miss 13 ~AyaThirt13nXIII
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