reirei18 Your Personal Calendar

making a whole calendar might be too much to ask if u ask me...... @_@
and since i put it in the fanart to be easier for most of us, the rules are simple as well..

the contest
* pick a month
* draw a picture representing the month -- whatever it is.. fanart or oc, colored or not.. scribble or awesome.. it's your choice.. it's your calendar month..
* add the days -- in numbers or however u want.. be creative.. =P
* add notes on your important dates -- birthdays and whatnots..

in short, do something like this --> February


the rules
* only submit one month.. january/feb/december.. any month.. just 1.. pick 1........ XD
* must be your art.. old or new..
* must be your own calendar template.. i dont mind if u use a real calendar template but this challenge will be judged by creativity..


how to win * i'll choose randomly.. lol jk.. XD
* creative and original art..
* creative and original template..
* creative and original title perhaps...... jk..


the prizes
* fanart request for 1 winner + gold medal + gift..
* participants will receive a silver medal and a gift..


the deadline

three months.......... just right after i finish school..~~~!! wooh..!! <3


the extras
* no need to dedicate to me.. i will check.. and hug.. *hugs* <3
* feel free to make a whole year calendar.. that would be great in the fan comics section.. *^^* but not for this challenge..


question: can the pic be a wallpaper i made..?
answer: if the art in the wallpaper is yours, then yes.. if not, then no..
tip: you can make your art look like a wallpaper.. thats a plus..

question: how many can i submit..?
answer: 12..
tip: just make it as a whole year calendar and submit it in the fan comics section..~

question: what year does it have to be..?
answer: 2020..? 2011 or 2012.. up to u as long as it's accurate.. =P
tip: u can even dig in your past calendar and submit that old month with memories.. especially if ur using old art for the pic, it might mean something to u.. does it..? o.o" maybe if i enter, i'd do that.. just because im lazy to draw a new one.. XD

** other questions, comment or pm me...


idea grabbed from --> stupidturtle365's calendar <--

** feel free to dedicate to her as she will be checking as well and might include your entry in her calendar.. *^^*

good luck and enjoy...~~

5 members Favoritefavorite
Kamihime jeweloflife Platinum Chan magicbut3rfly
3 entries
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Challenge completed
Shooting Stars ~
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