So, if YOU were in Bleach...

~I'm sorry if this idea for a challenge has already been used. I'm currently unaware...^^~

I've decided to make a new challenge (considering my previous and first one was a complete failure).

After thinking for a while, I thought this might be fun: What if you were in Bleach? >:3


I know, it's horrible, but I threw that together in a few minutes for you guys. x3

Simply turn yourself into a Bleach character. BUT, I want a good description. Don't just say, "Okay, this is what I'd look like~! :D"
Choose a "species". *points at example* I turned myself into an Espada. Read the description; I included why I wanted to be an Espada. :3 You can be a Shinigami, Quincy, Espada, even a Bount, etc...
I really want you to personalize yourself. Choose a cool weapon that fits you. Even the outfit should sorta "describe" you.

Sorry if this is confusing, but you'll see what I mean.

Oh, look! It's the boring part! :DDD


  • Keep it clean. *sighs* I trust you guys, so I hate typing this. XD
  • Doesn't have to be colored (like my example, for instance). BUT I do expect it to be of higher quality than my crappy example. I do prefer color, though...
  • Follow theO's rules
  • Make sure you have fun. Or you'll be disqualified. XDDD Hehe, I'm kidding, but please have fun~

Aaaand the fun part!

1st Place: 2 colored fanarts of your choice + 3 gifts + a card (I warn you, card-making is not my talent.)

2nd Place: 1 colored fanart of your choice + 2 gifts

3rd Place: 1 lineart of your choice + 1 gift

Everyone who participates will receive a medal (once I find out how to give people medals...:D)

Alright, let's get to work~ o3o

To the people who I invited: Of course you don't have to join, I won't feel offended, but it would just be an honor. x3

10 members Favoritefavorite
AshWilliams brad4735167 KateTheInsurgent Kaagemusha RubberDuck4LUNCH
8 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Chaotic Visored ~rosel D
Dan-Sama ~AshWilliams
If I were in Bleach.. 9_9" ~Natsu nii
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