superstarpanou .:After Happily Ever After:.

Yay! My first challenge! Here we go~~

Have you ever wondered what happens after a happily-ever-after story? Like what happened with Belle and her prince in Disney's Beauty and the Beast after the spell is broken? I drew a picture a long time ago that Gaston, with amnesia, came back to pester Belle... ahahaha... XD

So, I want you guys to draw what you think happens in the story you choose. Are they arguing? Do they have kids now? Are they now actually getting to know each other well and having a picnic? Kahahaha~~ Or is the person you chose having a successful life? It's your choice! It can also be simply a future portrait-like picture of them/him/her. :)

Here are some ideas but are not limited to:

  • Common princess fairytales (Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, Cinderella, Snow White, etc.)
  • Thumbelina
  • Swan Princess
  • Greek legends
  • Folk/tall tales
  • Anime series
  • Manga series
  • Video games
  • Otome games
  • Your OC's story
  • and so much more...


  • Follow theO rules
  • Keep it clean, please! I don't want to see them nastiness... :P
  • It doesn't have to be colored, but I'd prefer it to. :D
  • Backgrounds are optional, although I would like to know where the people you choose are at.
  • Both traditional and digital art are accepted. I will choose at least one traditional and one digital to make it fair if there are enough entries of each.
  • Please leave a description of your artwork, for example, if it's your OC's story, I wouldn't know unless you tell me. ;) Feel free to add dialogue in there if you want to make it more fun.
  • You can have as many entries as you want, although I will only choose one artwork for each winner.
  • You have 3 months! I'm not in a rush... :P
  • ANYONE IS INVITED~~~ I just didn't have the time (or laziness) to copy and paste member names haha
  • Have fun! ^_^

I'll be looking for creativity, quality, and effort. Or maybe I'll choose the ones that I really like. We'll see...

1st place: 1 colored fan art request, 1 sketch fan art request, a gift, and a medal
2nd place: 1 colored fan art request, a gift, and a medal
3rd place: 1 sketch fan art request, a gift, and a medal
All participants will get a gift and a medal.

Here is an example. This an event that I made up when I got the ending to this video/otome game.

Here is my old random idea ---> Click!
Beauty and the Beast example ---> Click!

Any questions or so? Comment first to me or pm me. I'm looking forward to the entries!!


Winners are announced! Sorry for the wait~! Thank you for the people who have participated! It was very hard to decide who the winners were~ TT3TT I based the winners more on what the sole objective was for the challenge and if you left a well description for it~~ I tried not to be too biased~~ >,< *practicing with critique skills for classes* Until next time!

2 members Favoritefavorite
howayoru ShingetsuHime
Other Anime and Manga
3 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
back at the school gate ~SnowP
You And I Are Beyond Eternity ~Spectrum Diamond
Persephone and Hades ~Pomegranate12
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