Love Breaks Weapon of Choice

I've been wanting to make another challenge from some time, so here we go.

Basically, I just want you to draw a person with a weapon. Be it a traditional weapon like a sword, knife, or gun, or an improvised one like a broken bottle or table leg. Also, the weilder can be an original character or a character from an anime with their favorite weapon.

I want to keep this challenge as open and possible, but alas, there are some restrictions:

1) No extreme gore. Obviously the you can have your character demonstrating the use of the weapon, but nothing like decapitating a foe and drinking their blood for sustinance and the like.

2) Nothing kinky or creepy. Seriously keep it clean. No weird chains or ropes please.

3) Can be dramatic or silly.

4) This rule is mostly for Nia. No people with table legs. Or chair legs. Though I guess cyborgs or Soul Eater stuff would be ok as far a human/weapon hybrids go.

5) Color is not necessary, but greatly appreciated. I tend to think color equals more effort so I'll probably judge based on that. That's not to say if you drew something really detailed I'd like something that was drawn and colored on MS Paint in 5 seconds more.


I'll take drawing requests for the top three. I don't think I'll be too busy with school so I'll color them too, most likely. If you win, just PM me with your request.

12 members Favoritefavorite
Brenton Elric Zhivago von Darke dusktilldawn713 DearEveryone szaleksandra hannavicious Blaze023 Shadowfiend XxI wuv PockyxX KyoriKaze10 Lilyanora
Original Anime and Manga
12 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Shampoo this! ~ichitaka05
Cloud and His weapon of choice ~GrimmJeel
Moon Scythes Are Pretty ~HawaiianBabidoll
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