~*Your Inspiration*~

Alright so I had a Cool Idea for a fanart challenge that I think everyone can get behind. So I think most Manga/Anime inspires people whether it's inspiring someone to become stronger, more outgoing, more adventurous or trusting, or even to become a better artist. and there's always characters that we admire and/or inspire us.

So here's the idea, I want you to draw a character/s that you admire for something they did and/or inspires you towards something. It can be any character from any anime or manga.

What you have to do

1. Draw an Anime or Manga character that inspires you, or one that you admire.

2. In the Drawing or in the Description explain why the character inspires you, or why you admire them.

My Example: I'd draw Lucy from Fairy Tail because I admire the way should stood up to her father and moved out on her own.

The Guidelines/Rules

1. Can be any style Traditional, Digital etc
2. Can be Chibi or regular any drawing style is fine.
3. Preferably Colored, but black and white drawings are acceptable.
4. Does Not need to have a Background
5. Can be of more than one character
6. Can be of more than one character from different series (CrossOver).
7. If you draw more than one character make sure you explain why they inspire you or why you admire them for each character in the drawing.
8. You can submit as many drawings to the challenge as you want.
9. Any other questions please ask!


I'm hoping this challenge will attract some attention so prizes will depend on how many people participate.

such as if only 5 people enter prizes will be small, if 20 people enter prizes will be pretty good, so on and so on, If you want to see exactly what prizes I'm planning on for the number or people Go Here

Keep in mind I say 'People' so multiple entries by the same person will not be counted towards this.


I'm going to have my friend Logan, Mimi, V and myself judge, I'll also be asking the opinion of 5 friends from theO to judge for me as well.

Those that I invited please don't feel obligated to join, I invited a few people that I see potential in and love their artworks, I wanted to invite more but I didn't have the time ^^"

10 members Favoritefavorite
SailorJuipiterFF7 waiting for wings LawlietLover13 Aqua199 kennysama corn seoulandheart Romanos Vixen AraAlicia
8 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
The Hero ~KK Slider
Dragons of Oshu ~DeathSeraph
Shiro ~Wakusei Aoshi
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