MangaKid Happy S.A.D!!!

Ahhhh Valentine's Day!! Romance is in the frosty air, people are giving out cute cards, chocolate is plentiful... aaaaaand of course, I'm still single. :P

Happy Singles Awareness Day, guys!

So to all your singles out there who don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend yet, I'm making this spontaneous challenge so you can show us by an original artwork who your ideal match would be!! And if you already do have a boyfriend or girlfriend and still want to enter this challenge, I'll be nice to you horribly lucky people and allow you to enter as well ;) But you might not want to draw any one different from who you are already in a relationship with... unless you want to become single too! xD
Don't be shy either, this is just for fun and laughs :)

~~~~~~~~~Check out the information below to enter!~~~~~~~~~

  • What is this challenge about? Draw your ideal guy/girl! It can be any character, original or not. You can create an OC (preferred), use someone else's OC (ask for permission!), draw a your crush from a movie or anime, or you can draw your real boy/girl friend. Whatever!
    ~Also you may draw yourself in the picture as well but that is not mandatory.

  • Who? Anyone can enter (even if you are already in a relationship).
  • How? With any type of art medium/style! So digital and traditional work are both allowed. Colour or no colour, its up to you. And all styles are allowed as well!! It can be sketched, lined, or finished.
    ~Remember to clearly include everything that makes your guy/girl ideal for you! Is it their looks, their personality, their clothes, their hearts, or all those things? :3

  • How many submissions? Hmm well unless you are a total player one submission per person should be enough!
    ~Put all your effort into a wonderful drawing of your one and only ideal match <3

  • When? Submit your entries within a month from this date!
  • Other important rules:
    ~Keep it PG-13 and within the rules of this site!
    ~Please NO yaoi or yuri or anything that may be inappropriate or awkward for others.
    ~Stealing, tracing, or copying is not allowed. Referencing from other images is ok. Entries will be reviewed and disqualified if found to be theft.
    ~You don't have to dedicate it to me.
    ~Ask questions in the comment box if u need to <3
    ~Spread the word if you can and get everyone drawing for this month! Anyone can enter.

There will be 3 winners:

1st place- Coloured drawing of your choice from me [digital or traditional] + gift + sub (if I haven't subbed to u already)

2nd place- Lineart of your choice from me [traditional] + gift

3rd place- Sketch of your choice from me [traditional] + gift

**May take longer to finish the art requests, depending on work schedule and how much I've been able to catch up on with other art requests.

Good luck and feel better on Single's Awareness Day! cuz let's be honest, being single sucks. SINGLE PEOPLE ARE AWESOME!!!!! >:D

7 members Favoritefavorite
Oasaka45656 mootouman Neliela GrellOtaku99 Heartstop hetatard
Original Anime and Manga
5 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Hug ~Ellenor Mererid
Ideal ~FalseDelusion
Valentines Day ~littlepooch
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