tiggerola YYH Beyond! Illustrations {extra prizes!}

Object: Draw and submit a fanart inspired by my YuYu Hakusho Beyond! series!

Prizes: METALS! TheOtaku will let me give out 3 gold metals to the best fanarts, everyone else who enters by default will get a silver metal!

Additional Prizes:

  • I have three gifts I can give out at this time, so the first three enteries will recieve a TheO gift from me! (may request which ones in the comments here at the time of submission)

  • Since I am allowed up to 5 pictures a post, in the Saga II box set, I will feature the best artworks! (unless you prefer not to be featured, which you can request not to share)
  • I will make a custom Avatar for each contestant! The top submissions will also be awarded with a custom wallpaper (custom=I make it with your name on it!)

What Judging Will Be Based On: Quality, Content, Effort {in the end it may vary depending on what sort of fanarts are submitted)

To Qualify:

  • Fanart can be anything that TheO will accept as a fanart. Please keep illustrations G-Rated.

  • If there is any gore, nudity, obsenity, or yaoi/yuri the art will be disquallified.
  • There must be at least one character from YYH in the drawing. It may be a character from the original series, or a character new in the Beyond! series. You may contact me if you need further descriptions on any of the characters (like everyone is older now, so they look older, like Kuwabara has a mustache XD and I have a shot of Togashi's drawing of Yusuke and Keiko being older, still debating on Kurama's hair but occasionally he wears glasses)
  • The drawing can be a scene from the series, a profile picture of one or more characters, a cover shot (like would be on a promotional poster), or a backstage scene that you thought of.
  • Will accept fanarts that are from unreleased parts of the series and flashbacks. (Info from future events from me, flashbacks still should have an element relating it to Beyond! please ^^)
  • I will consider enteries that are not specifically cannon to the Beyond! series, but if so please add in the description how it does relate to the Beyond! series (like "I have an OC that is an angel, so when Yusuke learned how to fly in YYHBeyond!, I wanted to draw a scene of them flying together ^.^" or "Hiei's new pet dragon from YYHB is so cool, so I just had to draw myself riding him" or something like that)
  • If you need ideas, I have some scene/poses in mind that I would like to see and you may ask me for which ^_^
  • Have Fun! ^o^

I think I covered everything, so we'll leave it at that. I hope it's not too overwhelming ^^

0 members Favoritefavorite
Yu Yu Hakusho
10 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Fonaruk ~zero guardian
VS ~Rein Akira
Kurama (wedding) ~yuyufreak
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