Kitty K.O. ACTION!!!

Okay! It's my second challenge.
(For those who participated in the "What Makes You Squee?" challenge, please go to KD's World to see if you've gotten an honorable mention. And if you have the time, please comment so I know people are looking. If you've won, please send me a pm so that we can go over what you want for your prizes.)

Okay, for this challenge, I want you to draw an action scene. It can have one character, but it would look more dynamic with at least two. Movement's a big factor in this challenge. Like someone running away from a gorilla, an epic battle, or someone being thrown off a cliff.

Here's one example of what I'm looking for...


1. Must be in color
2. Must have some ACTION! If you just enter a charcter standing there, I'll have to disqualify your entry. Sorry.
3. Can submit OCs, existing characters, other people's OCs (with their permission, of course), heck even my characters if you want (be sure to ask if/before you do)
4. Blood is more than acceptable. It will add to the dynamics.
5. No full nudity. (i.e. showing of "personal" parts) If there's buttocks, it's fine. *everyone's wondering "What kind of action scene are YOU thinking of, Kitty...? =o.O="*


1st place: A Fake Screenshot of your OCs (or if you don't have any OCs, then the characters of your choice)

2nd place: A color fanart of your OCs (*see parenthesis for 1st place)

3rd place: A B&W fanart of their OCs (*see parenthesis for 1st place)

4th and 5th place: Sketches of two of their OCs (*see parenthesis for 1st place)

I'm allowing for more places this time. And since there will be more places, for this challenge, I expect at least 10 participants, or it will be cancelled.

When the challenge is over, I'll post the winners (and possibly some more honorable mentions) on either KD's World, or I might just make a separate world for Challenges. If I make a new world, I'll update this page and provide the link. Tell a few friends, if you think they might be interested in this challenge.

So, you all have 1 month. Good luck to everyone. I look forward to what you can bring to the table. =^_^=

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Original Anime and Manga
2 entries
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Challenge completed
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Wolverine VS Octopus ~jerryabistado
Ulf VS Giant Vultures ~Markus wolfe
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