Wakusei Aoshi J-pop Fashion

FIRST CHALLENGE!! I's so nervous! I hope I do this right! >.<

ALRIGHT! Something I LOVE to see! ^ ^ J-pop fashion! Now, J-pop fashion...well, it doesn't really exist....kind of. I see it as really contrasting and standing out kind of fashion that is different and crazy, but sane at the same time. Not something you'd wear on the street, or one that you'd wear on the cat walk, something that you'd dance and sing in! And I think that's was J-pop fashion is!

Examples of what I mean:


1. Can be from any category
2. Can be colored, sketched, whatever (though it'd be nice if it's colored, but mostly the design counts)
3. You can have more than one sketch
4. There really are no limits (except for the size limit!)
5. You can have more than one person in the picture
6. Gender doesn't matter (I know there's a lot of pictures of girl's clothes in the examples, it's because I don't know like many boy bands)

Further Explanation:

J-pop fashion is random, colorful, and usually has TONS of accessories! So go crazy when designing it! ^ ^

Also, about the poses and stuff. You can make it like a music video if you'd like! ^ ^ Or like they're live on concert. Something creative like that will really be acceptable over just a plain figure standing there (unless I'm wowed to death by the amazingness of the design).

ALSO! Visual Kei stuff and somewhat gothic-lolita-ish styles are also acceptable, but make them more...music, poppy, and easy to dance in (not that all jpop has singers that dance, but you need music to dance, and most songs have a beat, so how can you not move your body!?). There aren't any example pictures of that stuff because it's too vast!! XD

Also (I keep saying also, I have no segue!) it doesn't really matter who the model is, but preferably your own character. (I dunno, I have a thing about dressing already existing characters in weird clothes)

Good j-pop groups to find fashion styles:

AAA- Has interestingly normal clothes...But it has like a jpop twist (their style is what inspired this challenge idea)
BoA- I LOVE her fashion! It's super dancy, and very jpop-ish
Hello!Project (look them up on wiki)- THE MOST J-pop-ish music group. The crazy random style stands out almost too much, this is great for ideas.
Goto Maki- She has a very J-pop-ish style and wears mostly dance clothes, so she's pretty good for inspiration.
w-inds- Rather normal style...but they wear really baggy standy-out clothes.
Perfume- they have their own style, but have a really cool style!
Capsule- same thing as Perfume, one of those really vast sub-categories of what I call J-pop fashion.

(That's all I can think of right now, really hard to think if all you're listening to is Goto Maki music...XD)

How it will be judged:

Judged on creativity, use of color (if it is colored. If not you're fine, but if it's colored, ugly color combinations like gold, bright green, and red with light blue will probably not score very good points), and style.
Also originality of the style.
If it looks like something I'd want to dance to (if it were in a PV and the person was dancing in it, if just seeing it would make me dance), or dance in (if it's comfortable to dance in, like I wouldn't want to wear whatever C-ute wore in their Sakura Chirari PV).


1st Place: Two colored pictures (traditional or CG)
2nd Place: One colored picture, or two sketched pictures (one or the other, can't choose both)
3rd Place: One sketched picture


P.S: I'm making it 3 months long because I know how school, jobs, life, will make you rather busy for a while, and I just want you guys to have enough time to think of what to draw and enough time to draw it

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