twilight tiger Create a Couple

Hey everyone, so I thought it would be cool to create a challenge where you can create your very own couple! I mean, have you ever wanted to be with that one person who makes you feel special? Why not draw it?
If you don't want to draw you and that person, you can always draw you with that amazing anime Guy/Girl who you would just love to go out with (if he or she were real xD )
Or it could be a favorite anime couple in one of your favorite shows. Heck, if you want to mix a Naruto girl (ex: Ino) with a Fruits Basket guy (ex: Kyo Sohma)then do it! Who's stoppin you?


  • Must be a couple
    ~ could be girlXboy/girlXgirl/boyXboy

  • Can either be colored or black and white (although colored IS fun ^^ )
  • Must follow TheO rules (in other words, if you wish the couple to have no clothes, you must cover those parts in some kind of way)
  • It can have a background, or not, it doesn't matter
  • (this is where it gets fun) It can be what is up top, or some other type of in if you want a fairy to be with a Vampire, that's totally fine. As long as I can see some type of couple-ness in there somewhere

If you have any questions/comments, you can either PM me or comment in box below


1st Place
~ 1 Fan Art of your request
~ 1 Card of your request
~ 1 Poem of your choice
~ One Random Request of your Choice

2nd Place
~ 1 Card of your request
~ 1 Poem of your request

3rd Place
~ 1 Card of your request

::::FOR POEMS:::: I would need a short description of the event you would like me to write about, and I would post it, with your Fan Art (no relation has to be involoved) in my World

Thank you all for participating! I had a real fun time choosing the winners. And to you whose pieces didn't get selected, I am still happy to see that you submitted and took time to draw such wonderful art. And I'm happy to say I loved all your work. If there were fourth and fifth places, some of you would have made it on there. I'm sad that there aren't, but what can we do? Have a wonderful day! ^_^ And congratulations

To you winners, I will send a PM to you.

0 members Favoritefavorite
11 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Touda + OC ~kinomiya miki
lovely couple ~excaliburer
Lollipop Love ~howayoru
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