Welllll This is my first Challenge so let's get started!
Okay I'm a big fan of the Series Predator and Aliens and the AVP universe.
My challenge to you guys is this:
Create your own Predator character.
Rules and Restrictions:
You can color it if you want color is optional.
You MUST have your picture Inked.
You can make it an old predator or a young predator or even a chibi predator.
NO YURI OR YAOI!! Or anything else like that.
Your character MUST be suited up and have his weapons.
You can make it a fight scene between your predator and an Alien or one of your OC's (Optional)
Your Predator can be wearing it's bio Mask or not.
It can be Female or Male due to your preferences.
You MUST be the artist!
You can make your own Bio mask if you want or use a similar design from the movies or comics.
Here are some links that will show you what a Predator is :
With it's bio mask on:
Bio mask on and fighting an Alien:
Well have fun!
OH! I almost forgot!
There will be three prizes that are from me and not the site:
#1 A picture colored and inked of your OC or a character of your choice fighting or another scenario of your choice.
#2 A picture inked of your OC or a character of your choice fighting or another scenario of your choice.
#3 a Picture of your choice inked, and in whatever scenario you'd like.
Well Have fun and May we all not die by shoulder cannons :D