Sakaira Kingdom Hearts Randomness

Create an art piece that is random and Kingdom Hearts related. It can be ocs made for KH, pure Final Fantasy, pure Disney (classic Disney please), or a mix. It is meant to be random, insanely random is good. That's where our bottled up, (maybe unknown) creative energy comes into play.

Must be KH related
Must be random (if it doesn't seem random to me but you tried, it'll still count) <- I noticed some people forgot about this, but I'll let it slide, it just helps me.
Must have an explanation of whats happening in the pic in the description
Please keep it E rated or T rated, no yaoi or yuri or hentai
Must be your own art
No plagiarism of any kind

You have three months to create it, don't fret.

It does not have to be colored.
It can be in pencil, but please make it clear and not blurry.
You can submit up to three.
It can be like a manga/comic strip.

Will not be biased

Prizes (whoot):
1st place:
Pencil work with shading request, Line art (ink? request), Line art colored (ink?) request, fan comic, poem (this is questionable), short story, or fanword/fanfiction request all of your choice. If pencil work, you can have 2. Same for line art (inked or not). Or one pencil and one line art. Everything else is one but you request want you want.
2nd place: Pencil work with shading request, Line art (ink? request), or fanword/fanfiction. If pencil work, you can have 2. Same for line art (inked or not). Or one pencil and one line art.
3rd: Pencil work with shading request or Line art (ink? request). If pencil work, you can have 2. Same for line art (inked or not). Or one pencil and one line art.
Participants: consolation prize (random) + gift

This is my first challenge. Don't hurt me :O

After 4 ppl including myself judging and breaking a 3 way tie here are the results:
3rd place winner: Arabians101
2nd place winner: TheAngelRaine
1st place winner: Artgrrl

Congrats everyone and good job to those that participated! It was really hard to decide.

1 member Favoritefavorite
Blood knightroad
Kingdom Hearts
6 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Fishing ~Artgrrl
Oh Noes! ~TheAngelRaine
KH Randomness ~
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