I'm surprised I did not see a challenge for this yet(or I missed it IDK)
but I'm excited about the movie coming out and I'm more than happy to see it.
I like the crazy looking environment~
So I'm gonna cut to the chase, I want you, the artists, to draw your oc's OR any characters from any fandom and put them in them in the place of whatever alice in wonderland character you think they would fit best in
for example:
So-and-So will be alice because they have a somewhat curious personality
and This-One-Dude will be the mad hatter because they suffer from mercury poisoning they have a strange personality that fits
and then you draw it~
- Does not have to be colored
- yaoi/yuri is permitted
- If you DO decide to color promise me you'll go CRAZY!* w *(you don't really gotta but it'd be fun~)
Sadly I'll only have the time and patience for ONE prize and here it is
grand prize:
A full colored pic of any character you want(BG included)
you got a month!
so go at it and have fun!<3
I'm sad that I'm the one holding this because I can't draw for this(but I'm going to draw one for myself anyway!XD)