Hey!! What's up guys long time no see huh?
Well I bet all of you know whats coming up soon. Yup! AX may seem far away but its right around the corner and all of you are probably getting the last few parts to complete your costumes! Wigs, glasses, skirts, shoes, ect.
So whats' the point of this challenge?
Your challenge is to draw a yourself dressed in your costume at AX with your friends or whatever you like! Heres some more information:
- Art can be digital or traditional.
- Coloring is optional but it WILL cost you some extra points.
- Please make sure to mention who your are dressed as in your artwork.
- Make sure to dedicate the work to me so I can give you a score
- A background is optional but it is highly recommended!
- Entries are UNLIMITED!!
- Have fun!!
- Coloring- you can earn up to 5 points for your coloring job (5 being the best)
- Outline- up to 3 points
- Background- up to 7 points
- Creativity- up to 8 points
- Number of entries- Each piece you enter gives you 2 extra points.
((HINT)):: The more entries you enter the more points you get.
How to win: I will be judging this challengewith a point system and who ever earns the most points wins.
<3 PRIZES <3:
1st Place- A inked, colored, piece of art of your choice.
2nd Place- An inked picture of your OC.
3rd Place- You recieve a gift.
If anyof you have any questions at all please PM me, comment, or E-mail me and Griffintail32@yahoo.com!!
Have fun!! i look forward to your seeing your artworks!! ^_^