Oasaka45656 Design my RP character~! ^^

[Note that this Challenge has ended, and will the winners please send me a message stating their requests for the prizes of their placing (stated below) Thank you~! ^^

And I would like to thank everyone who entered this challenge: THANK YOU ALL FROM THE BOTTOM (AND TOP) OF MY HEART~! ^^]

Yo everybody!

This is my VERY FIRST challenge! ^^


Here's the run-down: I want YOU *yes YOU* to draw MY character for an rp: Sebastian! You have near-total free rein on this! I can't WAIT to see your works~! ><

So, the guildlines FOR THE PICTURE ITSELF:

*Must be MALE. This is a MUST people!
*Must be around 16-17 years-old.
*Must have ears/tail of an animal; he is part animal, but I haven't thought what yet, so go ahead and choose for yourself! I will ask this, though: please don't make it a cat/fox. They've been done SO much. Thanks... >< *hint: I LOOOOOOOVE lion-boys, k?*

Guidlines for the challenge *AKA rules ><*:

1. Follow the ToS of the Otaku, please.
2. Nothing over PG-13.
1. Would rather you coloured it, but it's up to you. I don't mind, but it MAY get you an extra point ><
3. Please, this is a challenge to drw an RP character. This means the winner will be used as my picture IN the role-play, so please don't yell at me that I'm not allowed to: there's no way you'll win then... ><
1. Please try to make it a full-body if you can.

Scoring Table:

Scoring will be done by *'s. The more *'s you get, the more likely you are to win~! ^^

Effort - One *
Quality - Two *s
Colour - One HALF of a *
Telling me how I numbered the rules - One HALF of a *

That makes a total of 4 *s you may get.


1st Place - used as my role-play character, gift, e-card of request and coloured fan art of request
2nd - gift, e-card of request and lineart fanart of request
3rd - gift, e-card and sketch of request

You have one month~! Enojy!

*Here's an example, if you are running short on ideas: Sebastian*

Happy Drawing and Good Luck to you All~! >< ^^

3 members Favoritefavorite
nosheep13 Sanseiu Okitaru
Original Anime and Manga
6 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Sebastian ~wingedshadowwolf
Sebastian "rol character" ~micahu
Sebastian ATC (editted) ~Keya
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