artypants1017 make him sexy? *please read*edited for winner

Heyy! everyone it's me, Arty!
Well this is my second challenage. My first I think went pertty well.
but anyway this is my second one. And I'm hopeing it comes out just as good.

Well, all I want you to do is draw.


Ok, more then that. I want you to draw any of your favorite character (male please) and draw him shirtless.
alright? and I'll let you color it how ever you want. you don't even have to color it if you don't want.

I don't know about you, but I don't get to see to many shirtless guys. Anime or not.

that's all I want to see, if you want you can give it a backround. IDC, do what ever, as long as he's shirtless.

alright, you have 2 months. ok? I think that should be enough.

You can have up to 2 submitions. Ok?

Any question(s)? I'll answer.

Q: can it be an OC?
A: Yes, if you can give him a name, and have fun, go ahead.

Have fun!

*edit again*
I got a little help to choose the winners.
If I could I would choose all of you, but I can't and I went with another person's opinion along with mine.

  • First place- Renji Abarai ~Clueless101

It was very well drawn, and colored. I love all the detail that was in it.

  • Second place- "can you pleace give me a shirt?"~ Moonlit Dream

Again very well drawn, and it looks to me like you colored in color pencails or something and it look like you put alot of effort into it.

  • Thrid place- Shura Job ~wawhy

love it. A couple of people did draw OC's but there was something about this one I liked.

Every one else. (this is not in winner's order, it's in order of summition)

Mariya ~ NekoTenshiEmi
I liked it, but it just creeped me out that it looked like a girl,but I liked how it was colored, and how I never heard of the show but you made me wanna give it a try.

Oh My Muscles!~ Captain Ronnie
I love how you had a great time while drawing this and I like how it was colored, it came out very well.

SMOKE~ mathildebak
Another OC, I like the pose on this one and how it's like in black and white, and I like the tacco's

when asleep~ blackmagicseal
From Yu-GI-Oh, I think I've seen this guy before, and I like that he's holding a bunny ... with a leg cut off. It's different.

Sunset Dreams~ samird
Love the coloring, again it's different, I like how the sword and the head-band are there, Very well drawn!

Fudo Yusei~ kuribohluver
I like how his like taking off the jacket. And the back ground stands out but it also like brings more attendtion to the character

I'm a KH fan myself, but the picture was a little hard to see, but I didn't hold that for aim. I liked how it was Riku from the organization 13.

Kakashi Shirts Off~ ched
I love the pose, and how you kept the mask on but took the shirt off. I like how the words are there, it makes people look at the character.

I Remember~ MaCheriexx
I liked the way it was colored. And Love the pose

Atemu / Yami~ kuribohluver
I like how his hair is in his face and his hand on his hip. And I like how he's holding his jacket by his side like he just took it off.

Uruhara~ PageFrance
Very well coloring, and did well on all the shading, looks like you put alot of work into it!

It was a dark to see, but I could enough to tell it was great. I like the scars that were just like ... everywhere.

Nothing to the Imagination~Hagi girl
I like how it doesn't look human. I love the pose as well, makes him look like a model.

Shirtless Guy~ Ryo or Demon
I love it, Though it was dark, but it still, you did a great job on it/

Shirtless Sesshomaru~wingedshadowwolf
I like how you drew him with his two arms, and with his fluffy thingy. I like how you gave him jeans like modern day.

Everyone did wonder! You all are great artist and anime lovers, I hope you had fun.
*round of applause*
Love you all

3 members Favoritefavorite
queenms ched
Original Anime and Manga
18 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Renji Abarai ~clueless101
Could you please give me a shirt. ~moonlit dream
Shura Job ~wawhy
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