Manen Human Form

Note:The challenge is now complete!So,in closing,here is the official design for Lahn's human form!
Winners may PM me for their requests!

In celebration and promotion for my newest manga project "Lahn Maruin",I wanted to come up with a challenge themed around a major point of the story.You may have noticed that this story I'm mentioning has not been put up on theOtaku yet.Well,that's because of the nature of the challenge =3

In the story,a young water demon named Lahn becomes a human boy in order to win the love of a human girl.I have already created his human form,but I want to see what others would imagine him as a human.So,that's what I am challenging you with!

The cute lil' demon can be seen in his first form at this link:
He's the blue cloaked creature in the middle.The one he is in love with in the story is at the top.(If you click on the picture,it gets bigger)

He's described below personality-wise:
He's pretty innocent when it comes to the world because he doesn't exactly have any experience from it,so he could probably be a little naive too.His main color scheme is blue steming from that he was a water demon.He's about 17.

More of the physical details are left to the inspiration from his demon form.If you have any questions,please feel free to message me ^^

The reason that I haven't put the manga up yet is because I want you to use this picture as inspiration,and not so much from his actual picture ^^

So,what are the rules,eh?

1.No nudity please XD
2.If you somehow happen to find a picture of human Lahn,please don't use it (there is one somewhere XD) I want you to use your imagination.A theme of water would be good too,since that's what he controls as a demon,but is not needed.It can be colored,black and white,traditional,digital,any way you want to do it!
3.Have fun with it!

The prizes are as followed:
1st: Your picture will be featured in theOtaku version of the manga as a chapter page when I place it on here and you may have your pick of a colored drawing by me.
2nd:Your drawing will be featured as another chapter page and you may have a sketch of your choice
3rd:Your drawing will be featured as a chapter page
Runners up:Your drawings will be featured as fan art in a special extra at the end of the volume

I hope you all have fun with this one!Look forward to seeing some cool ideas!

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dino12 Okitaru kafeole11
Original Anime and Manga
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Kuri ~AxelleGRoulette
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