We've all imagined it. Our OC fighting side by side our favorite naruto characters.
For this Challenge, you are to create a screenshot of your OC in Naruto.
You dont neccessarily have to draw a naruto character in it (though it would make more sense, wouldnt it?) just as long as you can TELL its naruto.
Colored? Yes.
Background? I would think so. You must also make it widescreen (duh). (A black strip at the top and bottom of sed art)
OC? It doesn't HAVE to be a naruto OC, just any OC.
Entries? Go screenshot crazy.
Media? Hmmm, i suppose you can use any media, but it would probably be best you went over it digitally (like with sai,photoshop, or even MS Paint it like me -.^)
Deadlines in 1 month. Have at it, ninjas.