Gero Chan Imaginary Friends!

Ok, so this is my first challenge ever!!! Im a bit nervous about this but I hope that this turns out to be a fun challenge~!

Draw you ( or your OC) with your ( or their) imaginary friend(s)!!! It can be anything you want! A giant stuffed animal, a made up creature, a person, anything! I am a complete supporter of creative license and artistic right, so the more original to your own self and style you are, the more points you will get.

Art Submission Mediums:
Any type of medium is fine with me. You can use colored pencils, crayons, cg, anything! Heck, you could even use dried macaroni and glue if you wanted!

Allthough I am a complete supporter of creative license and artistic right, Im also a supporter of following standard rules ( which if followed prevent you from being banned). In other words:

  • Please keep your artwork PG 13!
    • Please no graphic depictions of anything adult: a.k.a: Violence, sexual things, ect.
    • Copying and Stealing will not be tolerated, Please have faith in your own Art.
    • You can submit as many pictures as you want. Go crazy! XD
    • Please have a back ground in your illustration, it doesn't have to be a real scene, just anything instead of characters floating in a white space.
    • HAVE FUN!!!!

    Other info/ things that might butter up the judge:
    You can submit any type of picture you want:
    B&W illustration ( good for defining lines and movement), Colored illustration ( Most likely to get you more points), realism ( That would be cool to see XP), cg ( solid coloring effects), mixed media, and ( most importantly) ANYTHING!!!


    I will judge you on:

    • Creativity
      • Originality
      • Time Spent

    Finally, Prizes:
    . First place:
    A fully colored cg illustration of you ( or your Oc) with your ( or their) imaginary friend, a sub from me ( if I haven't already), a gift, and a medal!! XD
    .Second Place:
    A fully colored traditional illustration of you ( or your Oc) with your ( or their) imaginary friend, a sub from me ( if I haven't already), a gift, and a medal!! XD
    .Third Place: A traditionally inked B&W illustration of you ( or your Oc) with your ( or their) imaginary friend, a sub from me ( if I haven't already), a gift, and a medal!! XD

    HAVE FUN!!! Experiment with this and be bold, creative, and/or adventurous! You cant go wrong with this challenge! Everyone has as equal a chance of winning as anyone else who participates!!!

    Please PM me or comment here if you have questions!!! You have three months so take your time good luck!!!
    - Gero Chan

1 member Favoritefavorite
Original Anime and Manga
4 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Blue ~ecnelisterger
Imaginary Friend ~TamaDoodles24
mean-looking bear ~sky-phoenix queen
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