Ikari Warriors (Fan Art Portfolio) Ikari Warriors doodle

Ikari Warriors doodle
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This is Ikari warriors co-founder Clark Steel (xaos) The reason I am submitting this is to show that other mods can submit their fan-art or even wallpapers as Ikari warriors, I call it making a donation to the portfolio since you know it will be the club getting all the comments and stuff, also thought it would be cool having a bunch of different artists featured on a portfolio. What this is, is a little doodle I did as a tribute to the Ikari warrior team in KOF referencing their original game with the code that was in the Nintendo version a,b,b,a you tapped that as you were abut to die and you can start right where you died instead of having to do the whole level all over again along with the Contra code it's one of the oldest codes there is. I put a Ralf Jones there and wrote sorry next to it. I was apologizing for not making him look cooler. So yeah any KOF art you want to put up you mods feel free. Just be sure to say which mod you are and try to make it relevant to KOF in some way or maybe even other SNK games.

King of Fighters Fan Art
doodle, mod, rules, sketch, video games
4 votes thumb
3 members Favoritefavorite
theRalfJones07 xaos Blood Moon Wolf
Member Dedication
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