The Eighth Sin (Fan Art Portfolio) Craziness of a Sleepless Mind

Craziness of a Sleepless Mind
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When you don't sleep for three days and have a cricket named Buzzsaw who stays awake morning and night, this is what you get.

Drew is a few days ago, and not all at once. Everything is taken from memory so it might look strange in places.

Order drawn in:
1.) daisy petal (then started singing the song)
2.) rest of daisy (still singing the song)
3.) the goose (memory of a picture I took of Ember back in April)
4.) the flame and candle (humming the daisy song again)
5.) then the eye with the dialated pupil (still humming)
6.) then the 8-ball (humming)
7.) the die (the two-dots and the three-dots are on the wrong diagonal)
8.) make-up around the eye (thinking of a circus for some reason)
9.) the song words (couldn't leave them out)

I drew the petal with the idea of practicing realism. Used to do realism long long ago, can't do it anymore. Wasn't very good anyway.

Time: five or less minutes for each drawing
Material: #2 .07mm pencil (used a filter to make it darker)

Honorable mention to all ten subscribers.

Dedicated to Buzzsaw the cricket for keeping me up, and dedicated to my dog Millie who was the best comrade these last eleven years. I'm not the only one who'll miss her.

Don't forget, June 23rd is the one year anniversary of Epic. Stop by EPIC Awareness to help celebrate, because we seriously don't know how to do that on-line.

∞ Milleficent ∞

Personal Fan Art
bella-dean, regnavi
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