fire.freak (Fan Art Portfolio) Here's Michka~! Nyeh!<3

Here's Michka~! Nyeh!<3
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I'm spazzing right now. Too proud of the coloring job done, being that this is my first full coloring thingy done on MS Paint. I'm just going to copy/paste the info from the not colored version~ >w< *so tired from spazzing XD*

After taking a good look at this pic, I realized I made my hair waay too light brown XDD It's much darker than that. I'll probably post a pic of me on my world when I get back to my computer *is on her dad's laptop which is also another reason why she can't scan anything -w-;*

I'm am SO much happier with how this came out~! =D Can you believe the change between this one with Mimi and this one?!?! I'M ECSTATIC! Not to mention, I colored it!! My first time coloring with shading and all X3 Once again, I have to thank everyone for their awesome comment on my other MS Paint pic. The one with Mimi. If it weren't for those comments, I would have NEVER used MS Paint again^w^ So thank you guys again! So, so much!! *hugs you*

So yea =]. This be me pplz. Michka Moya Marissa Morris. I'm American[born in Florida], Jamaican, Puerto Rican, Coasta Rican, Cuban, Italian, Irish, French and that's all on my mom's side. I'll have to ask my dad later what he is^ ^; I have lighter skin than most black people. It's kinda funny because I'm more spanish and white than I am black but I look more black than anything^w^; The rest of my family too. I'm brown-haired, brown-eyed. I have a beauty mark[as they call it, I think o-o]on the right side of my face just below my right eye on meh cheek. I have curly and straight hair that reaches the a bit above the middle of my back. Like a few cm? I LOVE Orange, Red and Yellow~!<3333[Red isn't in the pic but yea^ ^;] I also love swirls and sun shaped things X3 And I really love flowers~ =] A LOT. A lot lot X3 {As tomboyish as I can be, I'm still a little lady X3} Hmm, I'm cheerful, optimistic, outgoing, witty[>D], energetic, driven, sometimes a bit airheaded[X3], confident, self ethusiastic and I have very high self esteem just about all the time^w^ I'm always smiling and laughing XD Always! X3 =]

This picture is of one of my signature poses for taking a picture XP If someone comes to me and says "Say cheese~!" I do this pose immediately haha. This pose and sometimes other various poses lol. Hmmm, this little desc is really for all my friends on theO. Some of you know this already[and only Sayura knows my all my nationalities, I believe]but here it is anyways. This sums me up~!^o^[Except for my strength and all^ ^; You'll never know my strength til you fight me or see me fight...or see me knock someone out^ ^;; But my older brother told me that I fight and hit like a brolic guy o-o;; LOL I didn't know whether to say thanks or not lol. Cause I'm 5'3 in height and average size~]

And, oh lookie at the font~ Pretty :] It's Fiolex Girls. I'll be using Fiolex Girls Font for a long while =D


Michka Morris+Art (c) fire.freak[Meh. The one and only, Michka Morris XP]
MS Paint (c) Bill Gates! :D

I dedicate this to Akioh because I lovers her~ =]

Personal Fan Art
fire.freak, michka, michka morris, morris, ms paint
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AnimeGal816 moonlit dream
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moonlit dream
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