tiggerola (Fan Art Portfolio) The Beyond Generation

The Beyond Generation

This is a little doodle I did to help as a character reference for peeps who are including some future characters for my YYHBeyond! fanart challenge.

In Order from Left to Right:
Kazuki, Natsuko, Akira, Kojiko, Fonaruk, Kasami

Son of Yusuke and Kayko, age 17.
Light brown hair, brown eyes.
Likes baseball and martial arts.
When not in baseball or karate uniform, favors the untucked t-shirt and jeans.
Close friend to Natsuko, pays attention to Fonaruk to be polite.

Daughter of Kurama and Midori (Genkai's grandniece), age 16.
Hair a shade lighter than Kurama's, Eyes tealer than her mother's teal eyes.
Runs track, enjoys archery and gets good grades (to look good).
Here, she's wearing a more peasanty-comeback look. She likes the casual pants to move around in as well.
Has a crush on Kazuki and feels that since they are close in age and went through more adventures together that they should be together.

Son of Kurama and Midori, age 12.
White/silver hair, golden brown eyes.
Mute but can smell emotions, which aids in communicating with animals. Plays a dulcimer and enjoys gardens. Understands technical stuff.
In this he's wearing a black shirt with a neon blue spiral (ha, like this is colored XD), fringed vest, and jeans. His style is very earthy.
Has a crush on Fonaruk, but his lack of communication skills (avoids eye contact on top of his quietness) works against him when he tries to express his feelings.

Son of Kuwabara and Yukina, age 12.
Red afro (blue highlights), daddy's eyes, but shaped like Hiei's. XD (you know, that forbidden child type of thing)
Retains dad's honor code to the point he sparkles with chivilry. He is the chess club captain likes to rock climb. Loves ice cream! (VA in mind is Vic)
Muscle t-shirt, flair pants...is disco still alive? He also favors polyester.
Has a pinky string of love for Kasami.

Daughter of Kuwabara and Yukina, age 12.
Spitting image of Yukina, but wears hair down.
On the dance team and is a cheerleader. Has a healthy appetite, her fav food is pepperoni pizza and pickled plum radishes. (VA in mind is Caitlin Glass)
Knee-length skirts and blouses. Any frilly stuff to make her look girly. Don't forget the flower in her hair.
Has a crush on Kazuki and will flirt and put on a cutsey shy act for him.

Daughter of Kurama and Midori, age 8.
Looks a whole deal like Kurama (spoiler reason why XD)
Has plant and earth powers, so favorite subjects are biology and geology as she explores the possibilities to expound her powers. Wise for her age and quite computer savvy.
She prefers clothes she can move in...and pockets are always nice.
Has no interest in any relationships whatsoever, but is a devoted and loyal friend.

Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Art
akira, beyond, fonaruk, kasumi, kazuki, kojiko, natsuko, rose, scetch, yyhb
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