Angel Zakuro (Fan Art Portfolio) Lynd painting.

Lynd painting.
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Ah, so I finished it! ^_^ The painting of my character Lynd who I drew before and submitted. [Her design changed a bit from the original just cause I thought it looked better this way painted] She's a one-winged angel. :) So anyhoo, this is my final project for my art class. We were to create something (anything) by using more than one medium. So I used paint, charcoal, crushed graphite (sprinkled on her wings), and permanent marker (for some outlines).

At first, I didn't want to use acrylic paints at all. I'm not exactly a painter...and I didn't care for how it looked, but in the end, I went with it. I used the palette knife to paint her wing and the clouds, just globbing on paint in strokes and stuff to make the shapes I wanted. Charcoal was used for some outlines and details...uh, yeah.

So my idea is that the border represents different times of day/weather/seasons. Sunset behind Lynd, night at top, a cloudy/windy day at left, and a sunny day at right...and just warmth at the bottom representing the sun. ^_^ This took quite a while to do, but I'm happy with it. Hopefully my photo of it looks good enough for you to see it [I'm wishing I took it straight's kind of at an angle, sorry!]. O__o I couldn't exactly scan it, lol. It's too big. XD And my art teacher loved it! He sure was a strange character to work with. He was so weird...but I got used to him over time. XD

Original Anime and Manga Fan Art
acrylic, angel, lynd, painting, photo, sky, sunset, weather, wing
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