Magnus Lensherr (Fan Art Portfolio) Capri-Chan Realism!

Capri-Chan Realism!
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For those that want to check this against the base image it is here by kind permission of Capri Chan.

I asked Capri Chan for this image last month when I was in my 'must get awesome at realism or else' phase. I lost that but since I did ask for the image I really wanted to do it for her and so here it is ~ Grins and Capri-Chan and bows ~ Domo arigato for the image. I also wanted to do this for her because well she deserves it ~ Looks at the picture ~ I was tempted to title this 'thinking of August' and dedicate it to T-Bear but I thought that would come across wrongly and so dedicated it to Capri-Chan instead and called it Capri-Chan realism, but I do think she looks liek she was thinking of August ~ Hugs her then holds up 'Roll on August' banner ~

As for the image itself and a self review (to save people pointing out the crap parts). One of the hands, or both are slightly wrong. Right at the end I noticed that the last finger on the hand on the right side is wrong. The ring doesn't stand out enough and her right side isn't shown as good as it should be, but since the picture ran out, and I ran out of paper I just had to leave it ~ Laughs ~

Overall though I am really happy with this picture, not least of all because Capri-Chan actually looks like Capri-Chan. The last time I tried to draw her she looked liek a completely different person, so that is a triumph for me ~ High fives a ninja ~ I love her right eye as well ~ Stares ~ It looks real in a way and the lips, though again not perfect, are the best lips I have ever drawn. They are probably the number 1 thing I want to get right for realism since I suck at drawing lips usually, but (and not to be taken wrong) Capri-Chan has nice lips so they were fun to draw and probably fun for T-Bear to kiss too ~ Bursts out laughing ~ Gomen, I just had to add that lol

But yea I think next time I totally have to work better on hands ~ Curses ~ I think I learnt my lessons on skin shading though, I did it all with one pencil this time, whereas with Sammie I did it with 3 and so she ended up looking old ~ Spins randomly ~

But yea in short: this is a picture of Capri-Chan, it took me about 4 - 5 hours, but was over 3 days so I can't be completely sure, and is done in different shades of pencils ~ Peace signs ~

Thank you for looking,


Personal Fan Art
capri-chan, realism
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