Gadriann (Fan Art Portfolio) Hetalia-Malaysia

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Cos Malaysia's a small country that I bet nobody even knew it exists. Heck, its eastern states are separated by the huge South China Sea that there's uneven development here, huhuhu. XD
My take on Malaysia, not really being patriotic but sometimes it's fun to research about your own country right?
Nation: Malaysia
Capital: Kuala Lumpur
Because of exposure to merciless hot weather and extremely wet monsoon season, Malaysia can be a bit unpredictable in his behaviors. He loves 'nasi lemak' (literally translated to 'fatty rice') for breakfast and some nice hot cup of 'teh tarik' (Literally 'pulled tea'. Really. XD) After independence from the British, Malaysia tried to mark its own name on the international level that he will do anything ridiculous, like building the Petronas Twin Towers. It may not be the tallest building in the world but he'd like to point out that it's the tallest TWIN towers in the That goes to show he has some ego issues but he never really admitted it, instead claiming that he's quite the shy guy. Which is sometimes true. He's easily impressed, especially with western culture (probably explains the similarity of the flag with the American flag but I stand corrected. But right now, Malaysia is also really interested in Japan's culture and way of life). He's quite the easy-going guy, always ending his sentence with 'la' and says 'never mind' to any mistakes people make towards him.

Outfit is the army outfit from 1940s era, since Hetalia is set during WW2. It looks like a schoolboy outfit... ^^;; Thick eyebrows are thick cos he was colonized by Arthur Kirkland UK. :D
Oh, Malaysia, despite your messed up and biased system and the infinite political struggle, you're still my country. I just hope Malaysia's boss can do something to make you better. *sigh*
And because I love anything that mess with England, here's Malaysia's letter to England after independence, Hetalia style. Read the artist's description for translation. ^^ [LINK]

Ah, that's it. :D Whaddya know, something not related to Sky. lol.

Hetalia: Axis Powers Fan Art
hetalia, malaysia
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