Creme Of Rolo (Fan Art Portfolio) My Little Hikaru :(

My Little Hikaru :(
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My little Hikaru is sick!!!
I got a text yesterday and she has a viral infection. I feel so bad I wanna run over to her house and hug her, or bring her flowers or something. But I cant remember where she lives. XD So, I made her this to help her get better, which when she heard I was drawing her something she was really happy. Shes such a better artist then me, but I'm glad I could make her happy. :3

She made me and honey-sempai really sad cause she was sick. and I'm sure if kyouya and Haruhi knew they'd be sad as well, but when she doesn't show up at school I'm pretty sure haruhi (And the rest of Hikaru's students.) will be sad, cause shes just freaking awesome and Art class without Hikaru, well for one thing, inst art class cause shes a teacher! XD but, its also like. . .taking the fun-ness out of life! Or dairy out of icecream! So we're all sad. Hopefully she'll be better by the time art school comes around so we all get to see her. :3

Anywho, I hope she likes this picture. :3

About the actual picture:
I didn't blend the colors cause I didn't have enough colors that's why it looks all grainy, I'm sorry. But I really like how it came out, the scanner kinda killed it so it looks allot better in real life. :( But I hope people like it.


Ouran High School Host Club Fan Art
brothers, cute, hikaru, hitachiin, kakashikrazed, karou, kawaii, little, sick, snuggle
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