Mkay. Before I start I just realized this -_-' Purple and orange don't seem to go together very well....
Anyz~! ^^' Since a lot of people have been doing this I thought it would be cool ta put one together XDDD Annd no I have not been here a year XD But I will have been in umm*counts* a month and a half XD Soooo I went and dug up a picture I drew that I thought was around the time cause it was in the same notebook as my first submission here ^^
DX Uhhh...I don't really like my first three months here...-_-' I really sucked...The next three months...I started drawing animals...Witch again..I'm not good at and they sucked...XD I started to get better over the summer I think cause I got my two skin tone markers ^^ Buuuut then in September I really hated everything I drew T-T Sooo XD I went ta making wallies...And the last three months I thought were OK ^^
Do you think I improved any? >>''' I think I did but not very much ToT hehe at least I don't draw ina little note book any more XDDDD
Enjoy~! <3
Rawr! >XI Stupid me...I uploaded the wrong pic T-T sorry...