myanimeworld149 (Fan Art Portfolio) sweet little bumblebee

sweet little bumblebee
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"sweet little bumblebee
i know what you want from me
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la
sweet little bumblebee
more than just a fantasy
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la
Dup-i-dup-i-do la la"


i was listening to the song when i drew it. click for the song it' such a provocative song XD how did i draw some so cute to it?!

meet Bumblebob! Bob for short. he's only a couple inches tall, he's cute, fast, buzzes a lot, likes to gossip when he hear a really good buzz going around, he's mostly a nice bee and never stings people, no stinger! but he can bite, that hurts. Bob looks out for other people and he's a great watch-bee. Bob loves honey and fruit juice.(his fave is pineapple) he hates flyswatters, bug zappers, insecticide, and any other means in which to kill a bug. especially roach motels, not comfy, he wont even give them one star, the place is filthy and the floors are so sticky!

Bob is a teen in bee age but a kid in human years.(around 12) he ages like any normal human though, so he'll see many bee queens throughout his life. yes, he does live with a hive. it is expected from bees. he's highly respected in his hive for he can carry the most honey from comb to comb compared to normal bees.(he uses buckets made from hollowed out acorns)

Bob does have bigger, human and monster friends, a neko that swipes at him every once in a while(cat instincts but he's ok with it, he knows she doesn't mean it), a guardian angel who's Russian, a very rude vampire girl, a girl who can controls shadows, the boy the shadow girl is interested in(he's a scientist), a girl and her ghost friends, and many more!

will i draw little Bumblebob in the future? of course, he's adorable! i especially like his clothes, did you know bees had fur? i did! so i put fur on his clothes :3

CRITIQUES WELCOME! (i know i need to be neater in coloring, but every artist accidentally colors outside the lines right?)

Bob's no has-bee-n XD AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!..... i'm so lame ;3;

Personal Fan Art
bee, black, blue, bob, boy, bug, bumble, bumblebee, bumblebob, buzz, chibi, cute, flower, fly, fur, poppy, red, sit, wings, yellow
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