Jigoku Sakura (Fan Art Portfolio) I have a star, one in my hand and one right beside me

I have a star, one in my hand and one right beside me
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Okay guys I'm back from the dead...
so no need to panic and all about my strange absence here on TheO

What's up guys? How are you? How many of you guys are out of school? Any of you guys doing anything exciting?!

I know I'm going to Oklahoma :)

So in any case i bet none of you even remember me :-I
can't blame you guys i've been dead for so long. Mostly because my internet died on my computer for a month or so and plus i haven't been drawing a lot lately.

Meh, i dont know guys just tryin to make conversation about how things are and all...

it's 11:35 am Central time so its noon... still tired though mostly because i pulled 2 all nighters in a row. First one was to abuse my privileges with my Unlimited texting plan i got! and the second one was to draw on tegaki... and never finishing it OTL

I got a hair cut too! Well, more like getting my bangs chopped short. My hair is still as long as ever

oh! and i just discovered that i have a not so obvious case of Heterogenia!
its weird though because my eyes naturally change colors due to lighting and the color i'm wearing.
Its a mucky green, hazel, and brown... and then we have heterogenia
so now my left eye is more green/hazel and the right is more brown/hazel.
Really weird i know. But i think it just boosted my idea of being too stand off-ish


I'm just glad that school is out and i'm on vacation
May was like serious drama hell, especially since that drama involved being dragged into a love triangle and losing your friends as well as learning that the friend you try to stay close to has pretended to be your friend when they really just hate you and talk sh-t behind your back...

Okay i'm done talking.

See ya guys!
Ciao :)

EDIT: eeerrrr, i'm stupid, its not HETEROGENIA... its HERTEROCHROMIA
EDIT2: Jae, the gijinka murkrow, belongs to my friend alecks!

Personal Fan Art
chatot, ghey, jae, jigoku sakura, jisa, murkrow, pokemon paradise, popa, sai, utau
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