LilGingerSweets (Fan Art Portfolio) Storge

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I thought about this for a little while...Usually the first thing that comes to people's mind when they hear the word "love" is Eros, the romantic type. But there are five types in all. Eros (passionate), Philia (friendship), Agapē (a true, deeper kind of love, one without the attraction in Eros. Often said to be the kind of unconditional love you give God), and Storge (affection, the kind of love that parents feel for their children).

How do humans know how to love? It begins with how we're treated as newborns. The amount of affection children are shown in the first few years of their lives greatly affects them for the rest of their lives. Therefore, I decided to focus on Storge.

Everyone has someone to look up to as they're growing up, someone to teach us how to behave. For most people, that person would be their parents, giving their children with strong, unconditional love. The children recieve their parents' love, and then turn around and give it back. After that, they branch out to the other kinds of loves. So...I guess I kind of think of this as the beginning of love. The reason why I picked a newborn is because there's just something so special about a person so fresh and young. There's a whole new person here, a person that their parents loved into existance. I feel like I'm not explaining this well, but that's kind of my train of thought.

Also, I just really like babies.

Dedicated to Gemma because I love and respect her so much, even though she abandoned us for Tumblr. :(

I've been working on realism a lot. Eeees fun!

Personal Fan Art
baby, child, love, mother
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Member Dedication
Define love.
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