elricbrothersfan (Fan Art Portfolio) You Have A Voice

You Have A Voice
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Because no one should be left behind.

¡Tienes una voz, Keba, que muchas personas le escuchen y ellos le encantan!
(You have a voice, too, Keba, that many people listen to and love!)

¡Su arte tiene una voz, Keba, que expresa lo que piensa y se siente!
(Your art has a voice, too, Keba, that expresses what you think and feel!)

Tiene una alma cómo todo el mundo, y es una persona importante. ¡MUY importante!
(You have a soul like everyone else, and you're an important person. VERY IMPORTANT!)

¡Merece a estar escuchado!
(You deserve to be heard!)


Every person has a voice, and every person should be heard. To feel that you are not as important as someone else is a falsehood in its entirety. While each person is important in a different way, EVERY person is important.

It pains me when people I know feel they pale in comparison to others; as a teenage girl who has compared herself to others her entire life, I know this is so very damaging to self-confidence and secureness in one's identity. That is why, as soon as I learned Keba was feeling left behind and underappreciated (though she didn't quite describe it in those words), I remembered how all too often, people are pushed aside and fall into the cracks in society, underappreciated and with a feeling of insignificance.

I can't stand it when that happens, and as such I'm determined to remind those who slip in their confidence that they are important and they deserve to be heard too.

Art (C) elricbrothersfan
Keba (C) Keba Si Rota

Personal Fan Art
Keba Si Rota
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7 members Favoritefavorite
Groovy Boar envythejealous chihiroyin Ellenor Mererid Keba Si Rota XxArrancarFanxX MangaKid
Member Dedication
Keba Si Rota
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