itsumademo (Fan Art Portfolio) Yes, My Mistress

Yes, My Mistress
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Swirling and blurring with a dark miasma, the air at her side began to cloud, the fog swiftly filling the space with a blackened shape that gradually formed itself into a man.

Kneeling at the edge of the chaise she sat upon, his half corporeal self bowed his head as he lingered beneath her piercing blue gaze.

Her brows drew down as a slight, playful grin painted her face with sinister delight.

“Is it done?”

A mischievous smirk of his own teased his lips, the point of a fang protruding, “Yes mistress. It is.”

In a gesture of satisfied contentment, she casually extended her hand towards his face as she exhaled a gentle sigh, the backs of her fingers brushing ever so slightly along his magenta striped cheek.

Full, red stained lips drew on a small, plotting smile, “excellent.”


**dA post has FULL SIZE, which is much larger than this shows**

HAPPY-barely day late-HALLOWEEN

at last it is/was here, and at last I have FINALLY finished this drawing…you have no idea how many hours I spent on this XP …mostly in the last few days because I am a terrible procrastinator…

this has got to be the biggest and most detailed thing I have done in a long while; it wasn’t even meant to be like this, merely a kind of bigger and nicer but still sketchy piece thing...but…this just…it happened…and I couldn’t stop... i must have been possessed or is the only logical explanation... *nods*

I would probably ramble more about this, what i like and don't, trying new stuff with kags, the bizarreness of furniture, candles, background, and other blahblahblah etc. etc., like I usually do, but I just don’t have time; been too uber busy and behind schedule and ughs..needing sleep...which is why this is posted later than I wanted it to be...but remember, we are all pretending it was posted on gotta keep it ssshhhhhh...

SO! You had best all enjoy this..uh...vaguely Halloween inspired piece of my beloved sesskag! Along with a tiny bit of writing to ‘set the scene’

And you must also be sure to have/had a glorious Halloween of disturbing greatness and wonder >:D


Inuyasha Fan Art
demons, drawing, halloween, horns, inspired, itsu, itsufer, itsumademo, kagome, mistress, my, ruffles, sesshoumaru, sesskag, traditional, yes
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