clueless101 (Fan Art Portfolio) Cotton Puff (till need to name)

Cotton Puff (till need to name)
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Heart bells: Rare
Two tails: Common
Ears: Common
Element: Rare (can control more than one element)
Weapon form: Extremely Rare
-Only has one weapon form that is talisman. But depending on what element is written on the Talisman it will allow the Cotton puffs master to control that element.

Cotton Puff INFO
Cotton puffs are soft and light like cotton and will follow you around.
Only people with the ability to see spirits are able to communicate with cotton puffs.
A cotton puff is born when a child blows on a dandelion seed head.
It is rare to find twins for cotton puffs. If you ever find twins hold onto them!
They love to help out whenever they can.
They really like to eat.
They try to do the right thing and even with their size will try their best to stick up for you.
Cotton Puff's use magic to their advantage.
Each cotton puff knows illusion magic, but then they also know ONE element magic.
The color of their bell signifies what element magic they have.
Common Elements: Water, Fire, Earth, Air
Uncommon Elements: Light, Dark, Lightning, Healing, Teleportation, Sound
Rare Element: Avatar (normally cotton puffs of this nature will only have one weapon form
Cotton puffs have three forms. Cotton form, Mini form, and human form
The mini form is just a 3-4" size version of their human form.
The human form they don't lose any of their mini forms features. The height of human form ranges depending on gender, but they are the same height as a normal human.

Personal Fan Art
adopt, closed species, Cotton puff, needs home
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2 members Favoritefavorite
envythejealous nikkeh09
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