TyphlosionTrainer (Fan Art Portfolio) Sketch Dump #2

Sketch Dump #2
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Okay, so a little background on this: When I was 11, and I was just really getting into art, I made a little ghost character named Ugo. I'd draw Ugo all the time, but I'd decided that Ugo didn't have a gender. I was a little embarrassed about this, as I was 11 and didn't know about people who were non-binary, so I kept Ugo a secret. But, now I'm ready for people to experience the world of Ugo and their friends! ~download for full view, please~

First we have Ugo. I spiffed them up a little bit, admittedly, because my design skills then weren't very good. Ugo is 8 years old.
Next, we have an older Ugo. When I rediscovered my lovely little ghost pal, I decided I ought to make an older version, since I'm older now too. Ugo is 17 here.
This is Demetri, Ugo's pet. What exactly Demetri is, I'm not sure.
Next is the older version of Demetri. Demetri can change their shape at will, so it's no surprise to see
after all these years that they'd want to look differently.
The next character to introduce is Giz, Ugo's neighbor. They are akward and shy.
A little doodle of Ugo and a wormy friend.
And Dana, Giz has a crush on them.
Lastly, Jeffy, Ugo's best friend. I haven't made an older version of them yet. They were slightly revamped as well.

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