Hulaberry32 The Mysteries of Bleach

First challenge ever! :DD I'm pretty excited for this, so I hope it makes sense to you all...

We all know and love the anime/manga Bleach created by Tite Kubo, and we've all created our fair share of fanfictions/wallpapers/e-cards/etc. on the topic. My challenge is a little different from these, but overall the same concept.

Point of the Challenge

I want you to write me a story from the point of view of one of the many characters in Bleach. The catch is that you cannot name the character. You can only imply or hint at which character you are writing the story from.

The story itself can be about anything; make it about the daily life of that character, or even come up with a fake past about them. Anything goes in this challenge!


  • You may not, under any circumstances, name the character you are writing from. You can name every other character around them. Breakage of this rule will result in a disqualification.
  • Make the story as in-character as possible. I know this may be hard, but try your best!
  • Make the story longer than one paragraph. Anything that is not at least five sentences will automatically be disqualified.
  • Only use characters from Bleach. (obviously)
  • And you may choose any character you wish from the series.
  • You may submit more than one story from different character's point of views if you wish.


First Place - A drawing of any Bleach character of your choice or a fanfiction of any anime of your choice (done by me), and three gifts!

The Second and Third Place shall each receive two gifts and a fanfiction of any anime of your choice.


Judging will be based on creativity and how easily I'll be able to guess your character. Others may guess what the characters are as well, but try not to tell anybody so they can figure it out on their own!

Not the greatest prize, but it's the fun of the challenge that I hope you guys like! Please enter, and have fun! :3 I'm giving you guys two months, which I think is more than enough time. Submit, submit, submit!

0 members Favoritefavorite
3 entries
Disqualify Entry
Challenge completed
Strength ~AlexaClyne
The true story of lost warriors ~LightFykki
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