Alrighty!!! Here is the deal, most of you are fan-girl for at least one character from an anime right? You drool over their cute looks, and cry when they die (or something like that...). SO here's the challenge: Write a love letter to that character and make it as pushy, screamy "Ohmigod! HE IS SO BEAUTIFUL!"-ish as you can. I'll leave the rest to you...mwa ha ha ha ha ha!
Keome Fan-girl time (or fan-boy)
- Deadline
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- Entries
- 6 entries
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- Challenge completed
- Winner(s)
- My True Love For Kurama ~tiggerola
My Love Letter to You ~NinjaGirlSango
My Heart Leaps for "S" ~ChibiSasuke
Finally! Follow us on Instagram real quick to get some beautiful anime art in your feed 👇