Write an ode to anime. It can be about any anime or just anime in general. Games and manga are included. Make sure its PG-13 and no more than 20 lines. If I get a lot of submissions, I don't want to read anything that drags on. Make sure that you use colorful vocabulary. (I don't mean profanity. -_-) And make sure you add some kind of message in it. Have a theme! Use some of that stuff you've been talking about in English class! Most importantly, have fun!
Ode to Anime
- Deadline
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- Category
- Other Anime and Manga
- Entries
- 2 entries
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- Challenge completed
- Winner(s)
- Ode to Anime ~Ryu
Host to Ode ~tiggerola
Finally! Follow us on Instagram real quick to get some beautiful anime art in your feed 👇