Al Bhed Indeed Haru 93

A sharp stinging in my right leg informed me I was awake again. As the realisation of the previous events hit me, I sat up quickly, causing pain to flare through my entire body. “You should be resting; don’t strain yourself.” The calm voice soothed me, and I finally forced my eyes to open in a bleary haze. In front of me, a person with spiky, green hair stood with their back to me. “W-Where…am I?” I spluttered out, forcing out another fit of coughs. The person turned to face me, a soft smile playing over his full lips. “You’re at an Al Bhed hospital,” he said sadly, and that was when I noticed the cute little spiral in his pupils, framed by a ring of gentle blue.

A heavy blast of J-Rock burst out from somewhere down the corridor, but it was quickly silenced. After the sound explosion, my ears rang, and I sighed in relief. “I don’t suppose you know whether a patient called Steven Jones has been checked in?” I asked nervously. The doctor’s gentle face broke into a hesitant smile, and he nodded. I laughed loudly and threw my arms around his neck from the bed. Realising that I didn’t know this guy, I let him go and he stood up, blushing slightly. I noticed that his smile was a bit lopsided, and that made him even cuter! When he noticed me staring, he turned away and busied himself with some papers.

“…So why am I actually here?” I had finally realised the impact of where I was. “You were involved in the fire at the Al Bhed meeting. As a result you suffered severe smoke inhalation and slight concussion. We’re keeping you in for a few days and I am restricting you to your bed!” he laughed quietly. I nodded. “Okay…so nothing bad then?” He shook his head, and I threw the covers back from the bed. As I went to stand up, the doctor rushed over, urging me to lie back down. “I’m just going to see my brother,” I reassured him, but he pushed me back. “You aren’t going anywhere. In a few days, go anywhere you like,” he said, and I knew he was serious. “Umm…stupid question, but…what happened to my dress?” I asked, wishing it to be okay. He gestured to the back of the door, where it hung. It seemed okay, but there were a few singed parts, and some rips from my attempts to free myself. “You need to sleep now; this is just a mild help,” the doctor said, and I suddenly noticed the needle sticking out of my arm. “Okay,” I said, feeling the drowsiness kicking in already, “then can you just tell me your name?” I asked. He smiled, and opened his mouth to speak, but before any words could escape a fuzzy feeling buzzed into my skull and I suddenly felt free.

I turned the music on my phone down, as a doctor had come to complain. Clearly, J-Rock wasn’t his style. George disagreed totally though, we were dancing by ourselves just outside the fire doors, and he seemed really into it. To be honest, he looked really… hot. His dark hair flicking wildly, his jeans flapping slightly as he jumped up and down, his t-shirt lifting ever-so-lightly, revealing a perfectly toned stomach… I tore my eyes away, remembering my duty to Julian, and decided now was the time to tell him. I turned the music on my phone down, and became serious.

“George I… we need to talk.” George stopped jumping and stood relatively still, shuffling slightly. “It’s… it’s about us. I know you like me, and I shouldn’t be leading you on like this. I’m sorry, but I’ve got a boyfriend… and I can’t cheat on him.” George looked crestfallen, looking quickly to the ground and blushing wildly. “I’m really sorry, truly I am… I should never have let you kiss me.” George shook his head and looked back up at me, a very fake smile on his face. “It’s okay. I gotta go see my sister, maybe you should check on yours?” He turned quickly and opened the doors, rushing inside before I could reply. Maybe he was right, maybe I should visit Charlotte.

I followed him inside, seeing him walking into another ward, his shoulders shaking slightly. I bit my lip and entered the MX ward, where Charlotte was staying. Unsurprisingly, she was still asleep, but the doctor (who had gorgeous hair) was standing beside her, flicking through some papers. The action looked somewhat unprofessional, and as a reflex reaction I immediately began to worry. I walked over casually and inquired as to her condition, and the doctor smiled. “You’re Steven, right? She’s fine. She woke up a few moments ago, but I put her on a sleep-inducing drug to keep her pain-free.” I nodded and looked down at her, running a hand through her hair gently. “I pretty much owe my life to her, in the great scheme of things… And if she’s to be okay, then that’s up to you to make it so.” The doctor smiled gently, and I turned away. I had nothing against him, I hardly knew him, but I had the distinct feeling that he had some feeling for my sister that was something I’d have to look in to.

It took me a while to realise I was actually awake. I rubbed my eyes sleepily and stretched my arms out. “Ouch!” I moaned as my hand clanged into the metal head of the bed. “What’s the matter?” my cute doctor asked, whipping around sharply. “Nothing, I just hit my hand. I’m really clumsy,” I chuckled, “But…why are you still here?” He smiled again. “You’re my main patient at the moment. I’m only an intern, so I can’t treat that many patients on my own. But don’t worry! I’ve been practising medicine for years, so you are in safe hands.” Once he said that I felt my eyes tug towards his hands and noticed that they were strong and yet gentle looking. “Your brother dropped in,” he said easily. “Oh! Is he alright then? He can walk and talk and whatever?” He nodded, and I said, “Well then why can’t I go see him? Surely it’s only manners to return the visit.”

The doctor went to the door and peeked around, before looking back at me, a teasing smile on his perfectly carved face. “Okay, there’s nobody around. I’ll go steal a wheelchair and push you to your brother on a metal throne.” I waited quietly while he left, but when he came back I was straight on my feet. “I am not riding in a wheelchair,” I protested. He shook his head, “This is my condition.” I took a few wobbly steps over to him. “But I can walk perfectly fine, see?” I walked forward a little further before my legs shook and gave way. Thankfully I was right next to the wheelchair and collapsed into it, relatively gracefully. He wheeled me away quickly, before I had a chance to stand up.

As I sat in the waiting room, Georgina walked over and sat next to me. She sighed softly and I knew immediately what was wrong. “He’s been crying for the past ten minutes.” She stretched her arms out and looked at me in concern. “I understand that you can’t cheat on Julian. But please, don’t rub it in his face? He… He’s never felt this strong for anyone. You’re all he ever talks about. And I can’t let him be hurt.” I nodded, closing my eyes and frowning. “I never meant to hurt him. I just…” I sighed. “Julian lives in America.” Georgina looked at me in surprise. “He lives in America, and I’ve never met him. I probably never will. But he brings me so much support… And I love him. I truly do. I just… I shouldn’t have led George on, but I need comfort sometimes. I’m perfectly capable without kissing anyone. But George just… He does something to me. I can’t explain it. There’s something about him…”

Georgina walked away just as Charlotte was wheeled in by her over-protective doctor. I tried my best not to hate him, and I think I succeeded. I was never sure about myself when it came to protecting my sister. I need to get over this, but I really can’t sit by and watch Charlotte fall so easily. I just needed to get to know him. “Hey!” Charlotte called out, and I walked over, smiling. “Oh, Steven, you’ve met Mitsu, right?” I frowned slightly, and noticed Charlotte gesturing to her doctor. “Oh, right!” I nodded and smiled at him. He extended his hand to me, and I shook it. “Well, it’s Yoshimitsu, but most people shorten it. Don’t worry; I’m not stalking your sister or anything.” Mitsu laughed, and Charlotte turned her head from him slightly, blushing visibly.

In the next half an hour, Mitsu and I became a lot closer. Him, Charlotte and I talked about pretty much everything, and I realised I was mistaken to have thought of him so coldly. My brotherly instincts had, once again, been proven wrong. Charlotte was right, I did worry too much. But then, I always have done. I have my reasons… So I don’t let it bother me too much. It’s just a personal defect, right? “Listen, Charlotte, you’re going to be in bed until at least tomorrow afternoon, more if I can make it so. You’ve got to rest, okay?” Mitsu wheeled Charlotte back after a short farewell, and I left the Hospital, the fantastic Aston Martin parking in front of me, a door opening to let me in. Sitting inside, on the back seat, was Rin, and the driver nodded as I got in. Due to the traffic regulations and status we carried, I didn’t need to buckle my seatbelt. I slipped in, Rin positively beaming, and winced slightly. Rin frowned, and I smiled. “Stomach’s still a little painful.” Rin slid closer to me and rested his hand on my stomach, smiling at me. “Is there any way I could help?”

I blushed slightly and looked away. “I…” I finally let all my feelings out. “I feel so pathetic… I had to rely on my little sister to save me, I let George kiss me even though I’m dating Julian, I hurt my dad and… I just… I feel so insignificant… Julian’s my boyfriend, but he’s long-distance, and I never see him, and…” Rin stroked my cheek gently. “It’s okay. You’re okay…” And then it happened. I couldn’t stop myself. Before I could think, before Rin could react, I leant forward and pressed my lips against his. I felt my cheeks burning. My mind screamed for me to stop. But Rin never pulled back. This man, at least 20 years older than me, didn’t pull back. He kissed me, too. Before a second had passed, my mind flipped upside-down and the car door opened. I heard Brother gasp. Rin pulled back, blushing deeply, and I closed my eyes. “Brother, it’s not what you think, I…” Brother walked away, and I didn’t dare turn to face the street. I closed my eyes, turned and clambered out, Rin following close behind.

Haru 93
Date Published
02/08/09 (Originally Created: 02/08/09)
The World That Never Was
Final Fantasy X Fan Words
5 hugs hug
4 members Favoritefavorite
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