Selene ladymage

“Two girls? TWO GIRLS?” Vivi exclaimed.

“Well, you do have experience with princesses, and experience with summoners. And you and Kimi look so cute together.” Kira explained. Kimi beamed at him from her seat on a windowsill, and a ragdoll waited in the doorway. The ragdoll was Selene Skellington, youngest daughter of The Pumpkin King.

“Well, I’d feel better with someone other than a blue mage and a summoner, maybe someone with a sword.” Vivi continued. (I shouldn’t even be worried about this!) He thought. (It’s only a base-level mission, and I’m the leader this time. Still, I’d like to have another guy with us, even Master Reynard!)

Victorie and William, two ninja of separate races, were on another retrieval mission. Kira, Francis, and Master Reynard were going on a third-level investigation that required seasoned agents.

Kira ushered them out to prepare herself for her own mission. Kimi and Selene decided earlier that they would plan in a chic café down the street, and that’s where they were 15 minutes later.

“So, are you excited about our mission?” Kimi asked Selene, nibbling on a cream-filled chocolate éclair.

“Yeah, a little bit … I guess,” Selene replied, but her gaze was fixed on Vivi. It was unnerving, and Vivi fidgeted, losing his appetite for his ratatouille.

(Why is she staring at me?) Vivi wondered. He looked up at Selene, but she had already averted her eyes. She stood up noiselessly from the table.

“There are a few things I need to get before our departure,” she said monotonously. Selene then ambled off, leaving both Kimi and Vivi very unnerved.

“It’s like she knows something we don’t…” Kimi murmured, a worried look in her eyes. Then she shrugged it off, saying, “or else she’s being all princessy.”


The night distorted the appearance of the dark buildings, but that was just fine to Naiad. Her master had built her soul in a similar fashion, and she ran a pale hand through her blue hair as she waited for her colleague. (Where is he with the designs?) She wordlessly asked the crisp night air. As if in answer, a grotesque mockery of a court-fool landed beside her, giggling in an insane fashion.

“Jester,” Naiad glowered. “You’re late.”

Jester grinned devilishly at her as he stood up, towering somewhat over the childlike homunculus.

“What matter is time, as long as we can make stronger puppets for the witch?” he remarked to her.

She shot a penetrating glare at Jester. "Oh, right, of course,” he remembered, leaning against a brick wall. “You’re a Mist-creature, and she’s the one your creator made a little present out of you, for her.”

“Give me those designs, you son of a-“

“Aha!” Jester exclaimed, pulling out a large envelope. “it was behind your ear!”

“Shaddup,” Naiad growled, snatching the package out of his hand.

She flipped through the designs Jester had compiled, pausing here and there. Then she stopped at one near the end.

“Hee-hee. I knew you’d appreciate that one.” Jester cackled. “Especially since he looks so similar to-“

“Quiet, you buffoon!” Naiad whacked him with the papers. “Why do I even keep you near me?”

“Your eyes. They’re intoxicating,” Jester mockingly sighed. “You know, your stare could grab you as many pets as Alucard has had…”

“I’m going to kill you one of these days."

“Not if I kill us first.”

Kimi couldn’t understand it. How could Selene just waltz into her life and just completely fascinate Vivi? (Vivi’s my man!) Kimi thought sulkily. (I told her that many times! Maybe it’s because she’s so mystifying. I wish I were more mystifying…) she looked up at the moon. It was virtually her first time on an Overworld, and the sky dazzled her.

“The moon sure is pretty…” she remarked, trying to break the silence.

Her partners didn’t answer her. Selene was looking straight ahead. Vivi fumbled with a paper.

“This isn’t right,” he mumbled. The paper held a form with their mission on it: a simple checkup assignment. “If we were given a base-level mission, why are we on an Overworld?”

“I switched the missions,” Selene answered indifferently. “I had a feeling we’d be better suited for this investigation than your vampire friends. Don’t spaz.”

“DON’T SPAZ!?” How can I NOT spaz?” Vivi yelled, pacing like a madman. “Why, princess, why?”

“Move.” Selene pushed Vivi out of the way as an explosion of shadows burst out of thin air.

“Heartless!” Vivi cried, taking out his staff and cracking a smaller one over the head.

Kimi was caught off guard trying to take it all in. A Heartless in armor hit her with a spinning kick that she quickly learned. She used that new move against the fiend, and then cast Razor Wind on a large clump.

Vivi shot a Blizzara spell at a sizable gathering before realizing that Selene was amidst them. The remaining Heartless scuttled off, plunging them suddenly into silence again.

The ice spell had knocked off Selene’s right arm, and both of her legs had fallen off. She lay there unmoving, and her eyes were closed.

“Oh no! I’ve killed the princess!” Vivi gasped, as he pulled his hat over his eyes, sniffling, reverting to the way he acted when he was younger and more naïve.

“No, you didn’t…” Selene said softly as her eyes fluttered open. “You merely stunned me.”

She pulled a needle out from behind her ear with her good hand and Kimi handed over her other arm. Selene expertly sewed it back on with a few subtle strokes, using her teeth to cut the thread. In no time at all she had her legs back on and was standing up. She looked over her shoulder at a nearby warehouse.

“I saw a light come from there before the Heartless attacked,” she remarked. “I believe that it was a signal for them to attack.”

Wordlessly they agreed to check the building out.


Jester was slightly miffed about the fact that Anubis sent children to sniff him out. Oh well, let them play games with me, he smiled as he thought to himself. The rest of the prototypes and I will be off to Hollow Bastion before they can turn on a light.

He flipped down nimbly to load up the last two cases. They looked charmingly like coffins, side by side.

Then one of them moved. Jester frowned. One of the new Heartless was awakening. What did Naiad tell me to do if this happened, he asked himself. Oh yes, ‘Discard any that start to awaken early,’ she said. Hmm, I wonder how those mages like bonfires…

He kicked the casket to one side, unaware as he was loading the other that he had jarred the top open. He somersaulted to the top of the carriage and pulled the reins. The wooden horses snapped to attention and galloped off.

Jester lit a match and threw it behind him as three children entered on the other side.

“Hurry Selene, let’s get out of here!”

“Vivi’s right, you’ll burn up!”

“Wait!” Selene shouted over the blaze. “I think I see someone.”

She dashed over and grabbed the arm of the young man lying on the floor. Normally, she could drag him out, but the fire threatened to reduce her to ash.

“Shiva, Queen of Ice!” Selene hurriedly chanted. “Come to my aid!”

She felt a cool breeze surround her as a tall lady carved of ice appeared.

“For what purpose did you call me,” she routinely asked Selene.

“Keep these flames away from me until I can get out of here” Selene commanded.

The beautiful ice-woman bowed her lovely crystal-crowned head as a Diamond Dust began to swirl around the Summoner, the Summon, and the unconscious unknown.


Vivi anxiously waited for Selene to come out. When she did, he started to speak.

“Wait,” she interrupted, “Let me see if he’s alright.”

She turned the anonymous boy over and gasped. Vivi looked over her shoulder and took a step back.

He was about Selene’s age, and was wearing a blue hoodie adorned in a straitjacket-like pattern, with zippers, yellow gloves, and comically sized dark-red shoes. But that wasn’t what was so odd about him. His face was a solid black like Vivi’s, but with features, such as a mouth, nose, and even eyelids. Underneath his hood, Vivi saw what looked like spiky hair, but this was the same textureless black as his face.

“A burn,” Kimi asked, nervously at a distance.

“I…I don’t know,” Selene stammered. “But let me try this. Cure!”

Light glimmered from her hands to the mysterious lad, and he coughed. His eyes opened and Vivi was surprised to see that they were normal eyes, not glowing yellow ovals like his own.

“What…who…”he asked as he blinked into consciousness. When he spoke, his teeth stood out, white against his abysmal face.

“I’m Selene,” the princess answered, helping him upright. “He’s Vivi, and she over there is Kimi. What’s your name?”

“My…name,” he asked, dumbfounded. “I…I don’t know…”

“Well, you must have a name,” Kimi stated. “Don’t you remember?”

He shook his head, and turned a questioning glance at Selene.

“How about we call you…Claus,” Selene asked him, and he slowly nodded.

“Can I…follow you,” Claus spoke directly to the summoner. “I…I don’t know…who…what I am…”

Instead of answering, she looked at Vivi with a stare that said You’re the leader; you should make the decision.

“O…Okay, I guess he can come with us,” Vivi nodded hesitantly. “Anyways, I’d feel a lot better if we get back to Headquarters to report.”


“What’s this,” Claus asked inside Kira’s apartment.

”It’s a vase,” Kimi explained. “You’re not supposed to touch it.”

“Oh…What about this?”

“That’s mine,” Kira snapped, snatching the gun out of his hands. ”Ren, do you know what race Carl is yet?”

“Claus.” Vivi corrected. No one listened.

“He may be a Night-demon, like Springheeled Jack or Arthur Longfang. At least, one inbred with a vampire or wereperson or something,” Master Reynard guessed. “He doesn’t have a tail, and he has so many humanlike features. But he does have the universal black coloration and inherent curiosity…”

“Whoever set fire to that warehouse was probably linked with Maleficent,” Selene deducted, sitting in a cushioned chair.

“Hmph. You’re lucky you escaped so cleanly,” Kira growled. Whenever she wasn’t under the watchful eye of her master, the Draculina made sure everyone knew exactly how she was feeling. ”what possessed you to go and switch missions like that?”

“A premonition, I suppose,” Selene replied, turning the bored princess act back on.


“HOW CAN ANYONE POSSIBLY RESIDE IN A DRAFTY CASTLE LIKE THIS?” Kefka’s shrill voice shrieked. How he hated Castle Bastion!!

As he walked into the grand hall, he turned his nose up as he saw he wasn’t alone. Ba’Gamnan smiled his bangaa-sneer and Jester waved at him like a small child. His creation, Naiad, was attending to Maleficent.

“I will kill you all,” he said, mostly to the bangaa. “Every single one of…”

Maleficent tightened her hand and Kefka staggered. Damn that witch and her heart-strings! He angrily thought. Then he forced a smile onto his face.

“One of the Heartless was discarded,” Maleficent announced. “Which model was it?”

“The silhouette,” Naiad answered. “But the Candlejack model still remains.”

Kefka loosed a whoop of laughter. The Candlejack was his favorite of the new Heartless! Behind him, a Heartless with a wicked grin crouched, joining in with her own giggles.


“Two-ninety-eight, two-ninety-nine, three hundred!” Kimi counted. Francis watched as Claus finished with five extra push-ups. The boy got up and looked at him.

“Now what?” Claus asked Francis.

“Aren’t you tired?” the vampire asked him.

“No, not at all.”

Claus trotted off to the elliptical, and Master Reynard entered the room.

”His physical prowess is…startling,” the old fox remarked. Francis looked at him. Was this fear? Master Reynard never even hinted at being scared.

“You know, I got a show tonight,” Francis said, trying to ease the tension. “This band needed a replacement bass player.”

“I’m afraid I’ll have to be somewhere else,” Reynard told him. “There are some things I want to look up on.”

“May I help, Master,” Kim inquired, skipping up to them.

“Yes, of course. Actually,” Reynard smiled, “I was going to ask you to accompany me.”

The Master turned again and Kimi followed, bouncing along and tugging his tail. Francis turned and jumped when he saw Claus was right behind him.

“What’s a show?” he asked.


Kira watched Francis from the balcony. She looked across the table at Vivi, who had his hands on the sides of his head.

”Too loud?” she asked.

“I do not like screamo,” Vivi decided.

Selene leaned against the wooden rail, her chin resting daintily on her hand. Claus was staring intently at her.

A Minotaur sitting nearby stood up and swaggered over to the ragdoll.

“Hey, you’re kinda cute,” the beast rumbled, “Hows about you come with me?”

“No, sir,” she quietly declined, “I’d much rather stay where I am.”

”Aw, why so shy?” The Minotaur chuckled, grabbing Selene by the wrist. Immediately, Claus was up to him.

“Let go of her,” he demanded curtly.

Kira saw Selene’s pleading gaze on her, but she couldn’t shoot. Too many innocents.

“What’re you gonna do, little man?” The beast laughed, dangling Selene over the lad’s head.

Kira saw a feral look appear on his face.

“Do not touch my lady!” he hissed, and then sprang!

The Minotaur tumbled down to ground floor, and people were scrambling to leave the building.

Kira leapt down and watched as Claus relentlessly rained blows upon the monster’s face. She was pretty sure she heard Vivi scream.

Claus raised his hand and aimed it above the Minotaur’s chest, right where its heart would be. As he brought it down, a familiar gloved hand caught his arm.

“What is scum like you doing here?” Alucard snarled, replacing Claus’ rage with visible fear.

“Master!” Kira cried, “What are you doing here?”

“I came to see your pathetic boyfriend play,” he answered. Out of the corner of her eye, Kira saw Francis mouth ‘Carmen SanDiego.’ She made a mental note to shoot him in the knee later.

“Kira, how did you not see this?” Alucard demanded.

“See what?” Selene asked, standing up and addressing him as an equal.

“None of you know? Fine!” Alucard shouted. “I’ll show you!”

The vampire took Claus’ jacket and ripped it off. He then turned him around so everyone could see. There, on his chest, was an unmistakable symbol.

“He’s a…a…” gasped Kira.

“A Heartless,” finished a new voice, and a black mage strode into the room.

“Mr. 288…” Selene’s voice trailed off as she faltered.

“I’m here to bring you home, Princess,” Mr. 288 allowed Selene to rest on his shoulder. “It’s too dangerous out here.”

Selene fainted from mental exhaustion as Mr. 288 carried her outside. Kira grabbed Vivi and led him outside, but the mage and the ragdoll had already left for Halloweentown.

“How dare you!” Claus was yelling. He kicked at Alucard, but the older vampire stepped out of the way.

“She’s gone. I can’t trust you. I don’t trust any of you!” pulling his hood over his eyes, Claus ran off into the city streets.

“That was low, even for you,” Francis said under his breath. Kira was town and couldn’t say anything.

“He is a Heartless, nothing more!” Alucard angrily explained, “a mere puppet!”

“Like you,” Vivi asked, walking up to him. “Or like me?”

Alucard looked at the mage as if he had just noticed him. “Oh, the itty-bitty mage,” he said with some disdain.

He’s not that itty-bitty anymore, Kira thought. It had been 3 years since she had first met Vivi, and he had grown. Even now, as the mage stood beside her Master, Vivi came up to Alucard’s waist. And he grew proportionately. So he’s still cuddly, she realized, a smile flickering there for a moment.

“Well, I think he’s itty-bitty,” Alucard said, turning to address her, “You know Jill Skellington?”

“Jack’s first daughter?” Kira queried, “Why?”

“A Heartless attacked Halloweentown and kidnapped Jill,” he explained.” Called itself Jacqueline. Crazy bugger. Different from regular Heartless. This thing was a thinking creature, as if it had a soul. Yes, a soul,” he added, looking at Vivi, “and it said that another Heartless like her was going to spirit away Selene. That’s really why I came.”

“I knew you didn’t want to see me,” Francis sighed, dejected.

“Of course. I hate the way you play,” Alucard smirked, “Kira, you certainly could have done better. I mean, you had me to train you!”

He was going to taunt poor Francis more, but the vampire turned and caught him as he inexplicably blacked out.


Jill’s eyes fluttered open. What happened, she asked herself. She sat up and looked around. She was in a dungeon, but she wasn’t alone. A nekomata with Siamese markings was chained to the floor, and Jill saw that her magic was bound, as well. The nekomata was crying an odd cat-sigh.

“Hello,” Jill said very politely, “do you know where we are? And why are you crying?”

“We’re in Hollow Bastion,” the cat mewed, “and they took my William away…”

“Who’s William,” Jill asked with concern in her voice.

“A memory vampire. Instead of draining blood, they drain memories. They came in and hypnotized him…”

“Aww, poor kitty,” a taunting female voice floated down to them. A Heartless with large fists and curled antennae skipped down the railing of the winding dungeon staircase. There was no trace of humanity or compassion in its eyes.

“You’re that creature that ambushed us!” the nekomata hissed.

“They call me Jacqueline, y’know,” the Heartless said tauntingly, crouching in front of them. “Is everything to your liking, Princess Skellington? Use your shadow powers; it’s delightful!”

Jill smiled. Why hadn’t she thought of that earlier? She looked up at Jacqueline and tossed her ribboning black hair so some of it covered one eye. She tried to phase into the darkness when a pain like a thousand bolts of sorrow shot through her spine. Jill screeched like a banshee and the Heartless giggled.

“Wait, you’re the one who stole me!” Jill realized. Where’s Alucard? Or Mr. 288?”

“I gave ‘em a red herring. They’re running off to ‘help’ your baby sister now.” Jacqueline was giddy as a school girl.

“But they’ll realize soon enough,” Jill countered, “They’ll come here and you’ll-“

“I’ll eat Alucard’s heart!” Jacqueline cried with glee, “Dracula hearts, yum-yummy!”

”No…”the nekomata sighed as the Heartless disappeared, “Victorie…has finally tasted defeat.”


Claus wept as he ran through the alleyways. I didn’t know I was a Heartless…he thought. All I knew was…Selene…But now she was gone. The big Vivi and the big Francis took her. He stopped. Vivi. Francis. Were they his friends? He didn’t know. He sank down to the ground and cried.

“Oh, what’s the matter?” a girl with blue hair, blue eyes, blue features, but pale skin, walked up to him.

“I-I’m alone,” he sobbed. “Th-they think I’m a monster.”

”That’s OK. I’m a monster, too,” the girl said consolingly. “I’m fashioned out of magicite. Nobody understands what it’s like to be a magicite maiden.”

“B-but why are you talking to me?” Claus asked her. She gave him a friendly smile.

“I’m going somewhere, and I’d like a companion,” she explained. “I’m Nymph.”


Winter Blossom, a nekomata healer, looked over Francis. She sighed as she turned to her guests: Kira, Kimi, Master Reynard, and, alone in the corner, Alucard.

”I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do,” she explained. It’s the twin effect.”

“So, whatever’s happening to William is what’s afflicting Francis,” Reynard explained. “The only way to cure him is to cure his twin.”

“It would help if we knew where he was,” Kira said, gazing at her comatose card-thrower.

As if you didn’t… Alucard muttered to himself. Oh well, let them figure it out.

“Wait,” Kimi sat up. “Master Reynard, couldn’t we weave a locator spell?” Alucard smiled.

“By golly, we could!” Master Reynard exclaimed. Kira ent over and lightly kissed Francis’ forehead.

”Everything will be alright, love,” she whispered, hoping that what she said was true.


Selene woke with a start. Oh, the vision she had! She looked around and saw her older brother James, along with Mr. 288 and a local witch, No-Face, waiting for her to awaken.

”What…Claus!” she said, jumping out of her bed. No-Face raised a hand.

”Excuse me, Princess,” the faceless witch implored, “but you are not permitted to leave the room until the Anubis agents get here.”

“You mean Kira and Vivi?” she asked, her hopes intensifying.

“Uncle sent two higher-ranking ones,” James told her, resting a hand on her shoulder.

“Who?” she asked, taking his skeletal hands in her own ragdoll hands.

In answer, the door swung open, and a tall, lean black mage with a curled hat slid in. A quiet woman with white hair followed.

“Kakashi Solitaire!” Mr. 288 gasped. “And Alice Martyr…”

Alice walked over to Selene and held her chin. Selene saw as she gazed into her eyes a sorrow similar to her own.

”We decided that she should come with us,” Alice softly murmured, turning to leave the room. James looked at Kakashi and the Scythe-wielder shrugged.

In the hallway, a bio-humanoid stopped them. She had green eyes and pale blonde hair, and was wearing an outfit similar to a flight attendant. She had a continually sad expression on her face, and she stood motionless as she looked at them.

“Natalie,” Selene said as she went and hugged her brother’s fiancé.

“Selene.” Natalie held her sister-in-law close. “I saw your memories, and Alice, and Kakashi, and I…”

“We have an excellent play,” Kakashi finished for her, “I mostly devised it, but I’m sure you’ll like it.”

“But, there are a few questions,” Alice admitted.

“Questions?” Selene was caught off-guard.

“Yes. First,” Kakashi answered, “would you love a monster-man?”

Claus? Selene thought, Is he the monster?

“Could you understand,” Alice continued, “beauty of the beast?”

”He would do it all for you,” Natalie said. Now Selene knew they were speaking of Claus. “Would you lose it all…”

”Lose is all for him?” Kakashi finished.

Selene looked at them for a moment, then nodded. Kakashi mage-smiled. “Then there’s no time to lose!”


“Nymph? Why couldn’t you tell him your name?” Jester inquired.

“If I gave him my real name first,” Naiad replied, “I may have given him power over me.”

Claus lay unconscious on the stone slab. Kefka, Maleficent, and Naiad moved into position. Ba’Gamnan brought Jill in and set her down forcefully. The other three started chanting. Shadows exuded from every inch of Jill’s body. The black tendrils surrounded Claus. His mouth opened and the shadows entered. And invisible force lifted him into the air. His eyes remained closed, but a grin spread across his face.

Jacqueline flipped down from above and landed on Claus’ chest.

”Is your name Claus?” she asked.

“No…Not Claus,” he rasped, “Only…Necron!”

“Not on our watch!” a voice cried as Master Reynard and Kira’s crew leapt down from a window. Kefka shrieked as he ran out. Kimi pounced on Ba’Gamnon and the Bangaa threw her off. Vivi cast Thundaga and Jacqueline yelped, electrocuted by a direct hit. Kira and Alucard fired a fusillade of bullets. Maleficent disappeared and Naiad was left in the line of fire. Master Reynard picked up Jill and dragged her out.

Suddenly, everyone except Kimi were thrown out by black tentacles as Necron – once Claus – smashed through the high ceiling. Naiad sat pinned against a wall, impaled by a wooden crossbeam.

”I’m…dying!” she gasped to Jester, “Why…me?”

Jester took out a needle and stuck it into himself. “Now I’m dying, too,” he smiled and winced,” but I’m going to fight now.”

He leapt out of the hole in the ceiling. Kimi got up and walked over to Naiad. “I never…wanted…any of this,” Naiad weakly told her, “but…Kefka made me…to create Heartless...”

“I don’t hold it against you,” Kimi reassured her.

Naiad weakly smiled, then shuddered with pain.

“Wait, I think I have a potion in here,” Kimi said, reaching into her bag. A small red feather floated out of it as she rummaged. Naiad caught it in her hand.

“No, it’s too late…for me…” she told Kimi, “If only…I had a second chance…” She gazed at the feather.

”It’s down from a Phoenix.” Kimi told her.

“Phoenix…Kimi,” Naiad clutched Kimi’s arm, “Aren’t you a…a dark angel?”

“Y-yes,” Kimi nodded, scythe flashing into her hand.

“There’s something…” Naiad faltered, then smiled. “There is something I want you to do for me…”


“Victorie!” Vivi cried, smacking a Heartless with his rod, “And William!”

Victorie and Kimi held William between them.

”What’s going on?” the nekomata asked, throwing a paper-bomb at an approaching cluster of Heartless.

“It’d take too long to explain,” Kira answered, shooting a particularly large Heartless in the head.

”Then just let them taste my blade!” William barked, jumping up and slicing a wyvern-like Heartless in half. Victorie joined him while Kira watched Vivi’s back.

”Kira…it looks like the Invincible,” Vivi whimpered. The giant eye of Necron looked like the red eye of the airship from Vivi’s memories that once destroyed Alexandria so long ago.


“C’mon, Alulu-card, let’s play!” Jacqueline taunted, blowing Alucard a kiss. He could have killed her easily under different circumstances. I’m still gonna kill her, Alucard thought, looking at the previous page. He rushed at Jacqueline and she climbed over to him on spider legs that came suddenly from her back. She reached out a clawed hand, which Alucard tried to block, but the black arm plunged on. Alucard saw his life, and his long undeath, flash before his eyes as Jacqueline’s fingers curled around his heart, and decided that he needed therapy. At that instant, the silvery flash of a scythe cut the Heartless’ arm off.

“Ahh, my old friend Gandalf,” Kakashi smiled, “I like what you’ve done with your beard.”

Alucard shot Jacqueline a few times and the maniacal Heartless slumped and dissipated.

“I could’ve taken her,” he scoffed.

“Sure.” The black mage threw his scythe as Master Reynard’s cane flew into the air. The two objects danced with each other as they destroyed scores of Heartless.


Alice and Selene appeared on the battlefield as Necron was wreaking havoc. Selene watched as a mass of shadows took the form of a black mage with wings and made a beeline towards Vivi. Alucard and Kakashi could hardly be told apart as they went berserk, fueled by adrenaline triggered by battle.

Selene fingered a small pouch. The secret held inside of it caused Selene to change when she obtained it. She looked older now, taller, leaner, less vulnerable.

“Clause is inside the Necron,” Alice whispered into her ear, “the only problem is getting near it.”

“I could escort the lady,” a voice informed them as a vampire with black hair and a red cloak landed in front of them.

“Francis?” Selene asked. But no, it couldn’t be, not with those claws…

“Interesting that you know my son,” the vampire mused, “but my name is Vincent.”

“Master Valentine!” Alice exclaimed, dropping to one knee. “I-…”

“No time to lose!” Selene interrupted, rushing toward the Necron. Vincent followed, slashing at any Heartless that came within arms reach, and shooting those in their path. Selene stopped when she neared the Necron. A giant red eye swerved and stared at her, a Heartless crest for its pupil.

“Claus?” she asked, and although the eye continued to watch her unblinkingly, she heard in her thoughts, SELENE?

Then, a hole opened up beneath the Necron and Selene entered, alone and unafraid. Inside, she saw Claus hanging in the middle of the room by veins of darkness. She strode up to him and took a small, flickering sparkle out of her pouch. She opened Claus’s mouth and forced him to swallow it.


There’s too many of them!” Kimi cried. “We’ll never make it!”

But then, suddenly, as Victorie and Ba’Gamnon were locked in a death struggle and Jester slumped over William’s blade, all of the Heartless disappeared, even the Heartless apparition of Black Waltz with which Vivi was fighting.

“We made it,” William noted, pointing to where the Necron was. “Who’s that?”

They all looked over to where Selene sat, holding Claus. Vivi and Kimi ran over to them.

”Dead?” Kimi asked, standing worriedly at a distance.

“I-I don’t know,” Selene stammered. “Let me try this. Cure!”

Light shimmered from Selene’s hands to the unconscious Claus. He coughed, and everyone waited and watched.

“Happy…birthday,” Claus murmured, waking up and looking at Selene. Kimi cried with joy, a happiness and cheer that reverberated to everyone present.

“What did you do?” Kira asked.

“I found him a heart,” Selene answered softly, holding Claus close, “one that a star gave me.”

“So, I’m…normal?” Claus gazed at her in disbelief.

“As normal as any one of us could be!” Kakashi laughed.

“What have we here?” Alice asked aloud, pinning Kefka’s cloak with her sword.

“Please let me go,” Kefka whimpered, “I promise I won’t come back.”

“Can he be trusted?” Reynard asked.

“Please! I’ll be good, I swear!” Kefka pleaded pathetically.

“Yeah, you’ll be good,” Kakashi reassured him, “in a high-security prison!”


“You know, you can cook pretty well,” Vivi commented. It had been two months since the events that had given them a new friend. Kimi had made some soup, and Vivi had baked some sesame buns like his grandfather used to make. A blue phoenix the size of a peregrine falcon landed on the windowsill. It held a message in its white beak. Kimi took it and began to read.

”Is that…” Vivi started, pointing to the bird.

“Yep,” Kimi nodded.

“So, what’s the message?” he asked.

“It’s from Selene,” Kimi replied, “She and Claus are starting a team, and they want to know if we want to be a part of it.”

”Yes, of course!” proclaimed Vivi, jumping out of his seat with excitement.

“Let’s celebrate!” Kimi suggested. “You take me on a date.”

Vivi looked at her and pointed at their lunch.

”But Selene and Claus go out, and Victorie and William, and…” Kimi whined.

”Oh, fine,” Vivi grumbled as he smiled.


The phoenix formerly known as Naiad flew off, happy that everything had worked out. Sort of.

For now…

The End!

Date Published
02/09/09 (Originally Created: 02/08/09)
Kingdom Hearts Fan Words
3 hugs hug
3 members Favoritefavorite
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