The Birth of 'Untamed' mysticwitch155

At this moment, Shelly stopped. She touched her eye patch tenderly. Then she began again. Everyone else was listening intently, holding their breath. “In that blinding pain, I somehow managed to keep a cool head. I knew I had to take revenge for her. This time, when the man attacked, I blocked it perfectly, and then, without wasting another second, I thrust my sword forward, right into his chest. In a moment he was dead.

By this time, I could see the lights of Tortuga. I took the wheel and managed to bring the ship safely at the docks. As soon as the ship entered the harbor, I fainted.

When I regained consciousness, I saw Roy looking over me. He nursed me back to health. Then one by one, I picked each one of you, and made you a part of my crew and changed the name of this ship into Untamed. After that we began our joyful career.”

No one moved. “Then what happened?” Gary asked. Shelly’s temper rose. “That’s the end of the story, you no-good scallywags! Now get back to your works!” She yelled.

Everyone rushed back to their works, except Roy. “What was her name?” he asked. Shelly looked at him in the eye. His eyes were as dark as the night sky, set beneath his long brown hair. They reminded Shelly of her.

Shelly looked at the other way. Then she replied, “Her name was Anna. She was my elder sister.” She looked at Roy and smiled, confusing him completely. He has rarely seen Shelly smiling. Shelly, on the other hand, was thinking how grateful she was to Roy, for everything he has done for her. She looked at the waters of the unruly sea and remembered how she lost Anna, never to see her again. Then, in a brisk pace, she walked back to her usual post, behind the wheel of her beloved ship. As she touched the wheel, she made a silent prayer for her beloved sister, thanking her for her help in stealing this ship.

The ship’s navigator and also the oldest member of the crew, Nettle stood beside Gary. “What were you telling Roy in his ear, boy? He asked to Gary. Gary smirked. Then he said, “I was only wonderin’ if that captain is the person from whom our captain learned how to glare.” They both laughed, as the Untamed reached Tortuga.

Date Published
03/31/09 (Originally Created: 03/30/09)
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