Dear friends:
Welcome to our new main page! It's still rough and it'll certainly improve as time goes by, but I hope you like the new direction.
Before jumping into our reasoning for this new design, let me first go over some of the problems with the old one:
- News and Updates were separated
- A gazillion things going on at once, too cluttered
- Having site updates on an Official World was clunky and took you out of theOtaku's layout
- No one was actually clicking on any of the submission thumbnails that made the main page
- We had to shorten news headlines to fit in a small space
You'll see that the new design addresses all these issues and is also a throwback to our pre-Version Vibrant main page, which a lot of you really missed.
Again, what's up now is rough. But it'll only get better. Enjoy and post any questions in the comments.