Hey guys, SomeGuy here posting on location in Seattle, Washington.
Sakura-con is just kicking off, and I once again wanted to remind everyone over in this neck of the woods that there will be a site meetup on Saturday, April 7th over at the big ol' chairs by the front entrance.
That said, I know a lot of you guys seem to be a little trolled that you can't make it out to said neck of the woods. That is why I'm happy to say that all is not lost: as it turns out, the convention center has free wifi. That means Internet access.
Internet access means we can chat!
Come 12:30pm pacific time, any members so inclined can find us in the site's chatroom where we will be able to take your live questions and comments as well as any other random, ridiculous interactive stuff that may come to mind.
I'd best see whose laptop I can borrow for this now... See you guys tomorrow!