Lady otaku and gentlemen otaku. You have 24 hours to post as many comments as you can across this humble fan site. Last year you set a record by swarming us with 5,528 comments. If you like math that works out to about 230 comments an hour or 3.8 comments per minute. This year, despite long-shot odds, we hope you can post at least one more than that. If you hate math, that's 5,529 comments. We'll keep a running ticker in the backroom.
Please, before you begin, we implore you:
- Don't spam junk comments. This isn't YouTube or Yahoo! Answers.
- Be specific! If you're commenting on a work of fan art, don't write "nice!," write "I liked ___ and ____. Here's a tip for how you can make ____ better"
- Stay away from the Bossman's guestbook.
- Make someone happy!
Like last year, if you're able to band together and accomplish this mission, we'll add something new to the site related to comments. If not...*evil laugh*
The 24-hour comment slam ends at 4:30 PM ET (1:30 PM PT, 2:30 PM MT, 3:30 PM CT) on Monday, December 31st 2012.